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Dating scammer Eunice Ankrah
First name: Eunice
Last name: Ankrah
Age: 30
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Gemunden, Germany
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Galactic Love
Celebrity website:


REPORT N1 (added on September, 29, 2020)
Robert (USA)

"Am currently single when it comes to my relationship status and I've never been married before. I'm not the internet type of lady's whom is always over the internet until now that I've been introduced to this site by a friend..
Well am proudly looking forward to achieve something special in my life and my family too and been a hard worker is the most important thing in life and I think will meet the right one soon lol.
By the way I like many things and I believe in everything too because to no things you like is like people how you are and not a bad way too and I can tell you I like everything as well lol."


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Created: 2020-09-29    Last updated: 2020-09-29    Views: 1271