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Dating scammer Elena Deyneka
First name: Elena
Last name: Deyneka
Age: 21
Name aliases:
Alenka, Elanka, Eleena, Elen, Elenka, Elenochka, Elenushok, Elenushoka, Elenushulenka, Eli, Ellena, Ellene, Elona, Helen, Helena, Helenachka, Jelena, Lena, Lenaa, Lenchik, Lenka, Lennochka, Lennok, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenusha, Lenushulenka, Lenusia, Lenusial, Lenusik, Lenusikka, Lenusya, Lienkchik, Lleena, Olena, Olena, Yelena
Scammer's Location(s):
Baku (Azerbaijan)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Web Love Finder


REPORT N1 (added on November, 23, 2005)
Charles (UK)

Another one that I let slip through the net.
She asked for $250 for a visa that would be ready in four days. I checked with the Embassy in Baku and they'd never heard of her. She argued that I'd misunderstood her English - It might be true, but she awas recentlu
kicked of LL and the embassy also told me that the cost of a visa would have been $100 not $250 which is the clincher more or less.
She's attractive, has her own web-site with a lot of photos
masyulya.sitecity.ru and can be quite pleasant till you mention the 'S' word.

Scam Letters

Emails from Elena Deyneka to Charles (UK)
Site I have made my web for my relatives and girlfriends which I understand Russian. Russian - our basic language. And English I learned in college.
I have given you the address of my site as I consider you as my close person. I am not I am not disappointed, that you think of ***. It is very good. Probably you not correctly have understood me. I had in view of what the man should think of ***, but still sometimes it is possible to think and of feelings...
I do not know how much Azerbaijan is dangerous to you. Many foreigners here work and live.
I not the swindler and I unfortunately would not have money what to arrive to you. But also I shall not ask money from you, that you would not think of me badly. I can learn about travel agencies. If you want it? I very much would wish to arrive to you.

At us today very much hot. I was today in embassy of England. They would tell that has collected all documents and a photo and has brought to them. And iiinea that as I shall mourn over 250 dollars. The visa will be ready in 4 days. What to me to do?

If you want I can learn a name and a surname of the worker from embassy. But I can make it only then when I shall go there next time.
And if you solve ia?aaanoe money for mine name. That it can be made through the Western Union.
My data.
Eiy - Yelena
Surname Deyneka
City - Baku.


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Created: 2005-11-23    Last updated: 2006-06-28    Views: 1771