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Dating scammer Ksenia
First name: Ksenia
Age: 37
Name aliases:
Ksany, Ksenechka, Kseniia, Ksenija, Kseniya, Ksenok, Ksenya, Ksunichka, Ksusha, Ksy, Ksysha, Ksyunka, Ksyushok, Susha, Xenia, Xeniya
Scammer's Location(s):
Lugovoye (Russia); Penza (Russia)
Russia, 442174, Penza region, Lugovoye village, Lugovaya str., house 145
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on March, 20, 2021)
Jim (Canada)

The scammer contacted me writing in German, I replied and she/he said they know English as well. Claims to have paid 50 euros to a dating site for my email address. Doubt that . Claim no ****** relationship for two years. Doubt that too. Writes about her attitude about ***, just another red flag. Very beautiful woman, to good to be true. Unable to get any hits on photos or letters. Suspect a Catfish as doubt someone who looks like that would be seeking men on the internet. Certainly dresses well. Wants to come and live with me and wants to share all expenses 50/50. Only hints for money so far.

Scam Letters

Emails from Ksenia to Jim (Canada)
Good day!;)
How are you?
I want to build stable relationships in "the worldwide cobweb".
I Kseniia. I'm thirty-seven of the year.
I am positive and open to movement women.
If you want I could happily write more about me.
I have never been in official relationships with a man and I have no children. Please write more about yourself to me.
I want to continue to recognize you and better than you.
If you are not complicated please send me your photo. After i will send i will send you my pictures.
Please write to me at this address: sonne1dame@gmail.com
If I am you or are only interested in a photo in the style of nu ***, please do not use my time and do not use it.
Sincerely, Kseniya.

Guten Tag!;)
Wie geht es dir?
Ich will, stabil die beziehungen in "dem weltweiten spinngewebe" aufzubauen.
Ich Kseniia. Ich siebenunddreißig des jahres.
Ich positiv und offen für bewegung die frau.
Wenn du willst, ich konnte glücklich schreibe du mehr über mich.
Ich war niemals in offiziellen Beziehungen zu einem Mann und ich habe keine kinder. Bitte, schreibe mir grösser über dich.
Ich habe den wunsch dich und fortzusetzen besser als du, zu erkennen.
Wenn dir nicht kompliziert bitte sende mir deine foto. Nach werde ich absenden ich werde dir meine die bilder senden.
Bitte schreibe mir an diese Adresse:

Wenn bin ich dir oder interessiert nur das foto im stil nu ***, so verbrauche bitte, mein nicht und gegebene zei


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Created: 2021-03-20    Last updated: 2021-03-20    Views: 1403