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Dating scammer Beatrice Gisele Arriana

DATING SCAMMER Beatrice Gisele Arriana

First name: Beatrice
Last name: Gisele Arriana
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Scammer's Location(s):
Accra (Ghana)
Also claims to be in:
Birmingham, England
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on January, 20, 2022)
Sylvanus (USA)

"I think, the most important thing for a woman is to be wise, to have intuition. I am always ready to listen, approve, give useful advice, push on interesting thoughts. In my view, the house is a refuge from worldly worries, the place where you want to return to rest in body and soul. It was calm and comfortable there, and people who were close to me were always taken care of. There should be cleanliness, order, the smell of delicious food. In a relationship, the most important thing, besides mutual love, is support and trust. Looking into the eyes of a loved one, I want to read: "You are the best!""


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Created: 2022-01-20    Last updated: 2022-01-20    Views: 792