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Dating scammer Nadezhda Pokrovskaya

DATING SCAMMER Nadezhda Pokrovskaya

First name: Nadezhda
Last name: Pokrovskaya
Age: 29
Tatyana Povalyaeva
Tatyana Povalyaeva
Name aliases:
Nada, Nadechka, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadezhdchika, Nadezhdoka, Nadezhdushka, Nadezhdushoka, Nadia, Nadiia, Nadiya, Nadka, Naduha, Nadusha, Nadushok, Nady, Nadya, Tanechka, Tani, Tanichka, Tanily, Tanilya, Tanni, Tantana, Tanulechka, Tanulenka, Tanulya, Tanusha, Tanushka, Tanuska, Tanusoka, Tanya, Tanyoka, Tanyuha, Tanyulka, Tanyusechka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka, Tasha, Tatana, Tati, Tatiana, Tatianok, Tatianulka, Tatik, Tatiyana, Tatsiana, Tatty, Taty, Tatyanchik, Tatyanka, Tatyanoka, Tatyanulenka, Tatyanulya, Tatyanusenka, Tatyanushka, Tatyanushoka, Tatyanusika, Tatyanuska, Tatyanusya, Taya, Tenia, Teti, Tetiana, Tetianok, Tetyana, Tinka, Titanya, Tonya
Scammer's Location(s):
Novosibirsk (Russia); Polevskoy (Russia)
Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Polevskoy, Kommunisticheskaya st., house 16, apartment 7
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on January, 21, 2022)
Peter (Germany)

Little scammer emails me out of the blue. Same story as already written here...says she is not scammer, just wants to come to meet me. All set to come in two to three weeks. Then the bomb drops...she needs money...

Scam Letters

Emails from Nadezhda Pokrovskaya to Peter (Germany)
Hello, don't be afraid, I really am a girl, I hope you answer. I got your email address from a dating agency. And I decided to write to you right away ... In principle, I do not have time to communicate on a dating site, and therefore I turned to an agency for dating and they gave me your email address, it is much more convenient for me to communicate here. I do not use social networks or instant messengers, except for mail, at the moment I can only communicate by email. My name is Nadezhda. And what is your name? If it's easy for you, write me your name. I'm only looking for a serious relationship, I'm not looking for friends. I hope they gave me your email address for a reason. I think you are looking for a serious relationship too. I also hope that you are a serious man who behaves appropriately in communication. You will not ask me for a photo of a ***** body, I will tell you right away that I will not send you such a photo, forgive me, but I am here for a serious relationship. I think that since you are looking for a serious relationship, you are not interested in a ***** body. Therefore, I ask you to tell me about yourself and be sure to send your photos. I think if we communicate as often as possible, we will be able to get to know each other faster. I also ask you to read everything that I write to you with the utmost care. I hope you will be interested in communicating with me and giving answers to all my questions. I also ask you to wri


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Created: 2022-01-21    Last updated: 2022-01-21    Views: 773