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Dating scammer Anna
First name: Anna
Age: 33
Name aliases:
Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Anetta, Ania, Anika, Aniuta, Aniya, Anja, Anka, Ann, Annah, Annchik, Anne, Annet, Anneta, Annetka, Annia, Annie, Annija, Annika, Annochka, Annulenka, Annulka, Annulya, Annusha, Annushka, Annusika, Annuta, Annutusha, Anny, Annya, Annyshka, Anushka, Anuta, Anutik, Anutka, Anuytachka, Anya, Anyka, Anyta, Anyunya, Anyuta, Anyutka, Anyutochka, Hanechka, Hanna, Hannushka, Hanny, Hanuta, Hanutik, Hanutka, Khanka, Nusha, Nusha, Nyusha
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Portugal; Badajoz, Spain; Venezuela
E-mail address(es):
Scam media:
Video 1
Celebrity website:


REPORT N1 (added on May, 19, 2023)
Robert (United Kingdom)

Uses stolen photos on dating websites.

Scam Letters

Emails from Anna to Robert (United Kingdom)
My name is Annija, a little over 30 years old. Now I am looking for a man who can provide me with housing. About me, neat and clean girl. What you can tell about yourself?

I am so glad to get your answer! It really made me happy!
Thank you very much for your responsiveness, I feel not so alone in this world.
Today is Monday and I came home from work in a rented apartment in London.
This week I am asked to move out of a rented apartment and I am forced to find housing in Europe.
Now I live completely alone and have very few people I know in the UK.
I understand that I do not currently have the financial means to rent a new apartment in London.
Please tell me what city do you live in?
It suits me that you are a single man, I am also a single woman!
Let's try to combine our bodies in one house.
I would love to see you in a photo, please send me your photo.
I am sending you a photo I took last year.

With very best wishes


Please excuse me for taking so long to answer you!
I was really busy with work and had to stay at Leeds for a few days.
My job is to distribute Irwin Naturals products throughout the UK.
Robert, I love this job, but I am not getting the success I want.
All my efforts most often end with the fact that I make very few sales compared to my colleagues.
My lack of knowledge of the English language to perfection does not give me the opportunit


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Created: 2023-05-19    Last updated: 2023-05-19    Views: 432