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Dating scammer Marina Tupinova
First name: Marina
Last name: Tupinova
Age: 30
Olga Kamysheva
Olga Kamysheva
Name aliases:
Helga, Hola, Lelya, Mari, Marinchik, Marinchika, Marinika, Marinka, Marin-ka, Marinna, Marinochka, Marinocka, Marinoka, Marinulenka, Marinulka, Marinusechka, Marinusha, Marinushka, Marinusia, Marinuska, Marisha, Marishechka, Marishka, Marishulya, Marishuska, Marunka, Maryna, Marynochka, Ola, Olalasha, Olchik, Olechka, Olechkaanks, Olenka, Oleshka, Oleshka, Olgchik, Olgchika, Olgika, Olgo, Olgoka, Olgulka, Olgulya, Olgunka, Olgusha, Olgushka, Olgushoka, Olgushulenka, Olgusik, Olgusika, Olguska, Olgusya, Olha, Olia, Olika, Olinushka, Oliya, Olja, Olly, Olra, Olshuka, Olsuka, Olunia, Olunka, Olushka, Olusik, Oly, Olyunka, Olyunya, Olyushka, Volha
Scammer's Location(s):
Ekaterinburg (Russia); Yoshkar-Ola (Russia)
Russia, 620028, Ekaterinburg, Melnikova str., 18-11
Russia, Yoshkar-Ola, Podolskih kursantov str., 26-44
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Red Personals, Russian Euro
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on March, 17, 2006)
Pat (USA)

She fell in love with me in about 3-4 letters. Asked for money $400 USD for visa and passport in the 8th letter. Now bugging me on when I will send the money.
REPORT N2 (added on April, 7, 2006)
Larry (Canada)

I was starting to put in a profile into a dating service.For some reason I never finished it . All I had in the profile , was a name, country and that I was looking for a woman. A month later I recieved a message that she liked my profile. Gave me the marinatup@yandex.ru as an email address outside the dating service. All my letters from her were never personal. Almost like they were a chain letter. If I asked her a personal question, it was never answered. When she asked for money, I found your web site and found her name. Thank you very much for the info. I think she or them are not reading incoming mail. They are just sending out premade letters. She must be a busy girl. Once again, thank you.
REPORT N3 (added on June, 26, 2009)
Claude (Switzerland)

I was contacted by this dreamgirl on RussianEuro.
After different E-mails she informed me that she wants to spend two weeks with me and suddenly she asked me for money.
As I didn't reply, she suddenly disappered and I found her again on your site.

Scam Letters

Emails from Marina Tupinova to Pat (USA)
What is your name?
I am very glad that you have sent me the photo.
You very attractive the man!!!!!!!
I very much hope that I too have liked you.
You would know how many pleasures, you have brought for me that have answered on mine message!
Now I understand, that people in your country really responsible! I very liked your profile!
Today I came into computer club and has seen your letter, I was delighted very much and at once have begun to write the answer, I hope, that I liked to you.
I did not think, that someone will write to me, I even registered my questionnaire not seriously, you probably itself have noticed it.
I directly would like to learn more about you to learn your interests how you live how you work.
I am very glad to have friend.
Probably it is interesting to you why I write you.
Simply I wanted new acquaintance as I am already tired from associates of me males.
All of them need my body and *** at many males there are wives and children, but I do not want to meet them.
They give to me gifts and promise gold mountains, only, that I began their mistress, but I want big.
I am dissolved also I carry a ring on a finger, I thought, that to me will stick less, but even it does not help.
And consequently I have gone to computer club to find the friend and if will carry that and the groom.
As you have already understood I is dissolved, three years have left my former husband I back.
He at first was good at him there was a

Emails from Marina Tupinova to Claude (Switzerland)
Hi my dear Claude! I have read your letter. It's interesting for me to know your opinion about my last letter's thoughts. I think I have a notion about your character. Thank you again for answering my questions. I hope it didn't tired you. I think about you at work today Claude. And hope, you like this pictures as my other pictures. Today I want to have a rest with my friends. They want to go to the restaurant or night club. Dear, I want to know about your free time. How do you spend them? I'm very merry and I always think up different entertainments for me and my friends. It's may be dancing, cinema, party or going to the nature. I like help them to make their life more interesting. But to tell the truth, entertainments give me less pleasure right now. I often dream about romantic evening with my loved man. It may be the supper, or simply walking. I think it's wonderful. Do you think about it sometimes? Claude, excuse me for the question, Do you have any woman now? To my mind you are very good man, and women think about you the same. I like you. What about your private life? Please, tell me about it. Write me more about your feelings and wishes. I always like to read, when you tell me about you. I shall be waiting for your letter, my dear Claude. My embraces and kisses!!!
Yours Olga

Hello my dear Claude! I'm glad to see your letter. It's pleasant for me to know, that you support my idea and want to meet. I'm exci


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Created: 2006-03-17    Last updated: 2009-06-26    Views: 1527