First name:
Anastasia Kalashnikova
Name aliases:
Anastacia, Anastaseya, Anastasiia, Anastasija, Anastasiy, Anastasiya, Anastasiychik, Anastasiychika, Anastasiyka, Anastasiyok, Anastasiyoka, Anastasiyunya, Anastasiyusha, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyusya, Anastassia, Anastassiya, Anastasya, Anastaysa, Anastesiya, Anasteysha, Asya, Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Lulia, Nansy, Nasta, Nastasia, Nastasya, Nastechka, Nasteha, Nastena, Nastenka, Nastia, Nastja, Nastka, Nastuha, Nastulya, Nastushka, Nastya, Nastyona, Nastysha, Nastyulya, Nastyusha, Nensy, Stasia, Stasya, Stesy, Tusya, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha
Scammer's Location(s):
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
E-mail address(es):
Scam media:
Video 1
(added on March, 7, 2024)
Bobby (USA)
She initiated a conversation and I responded. She has answered 2 or 3 times asking for a follow up but I found her listed in other sites so I stopped.
Scam Letters
Emails from Julia to Bobby (USA)
Hello my new ami......How is your day going? Is it okay with the weather in your country? I am messaging you trying to find a deserving and fair male.As for me, this is not the first try-on to get to know somebody on the Net.
The attempt was vicious, as men were trying to get *** act, ***** photos, or even cash. My intention is to build a sincere relationship, so I there was no intention to message anyone of them back.
I also once came across a espoused man who planned on having cute concubine. It is wrong that males concealing it from their spouses are going to do this..((
My name is iulyia. My country is KAZAKHSTAN. I am already thirty seven, I realize that it is too late, the time isrunning.
If I have some free time, I am fond of going to the gym.I would be pleased if you message me and share with me some info about your character, your town and your state.
I I want to meet a gentelman in different country as I don't want to live in my country.
With this letter I give you my photo. I have a spark of hope that you will value this pic))) Looking forward to your answer.
Yours faithfully, IULIIA
Good morning Bobby!
I received your letter and I am glad to answer it. I express regret beforehand for the short letter. this time I am at work and cannot write a long message. Tomorrow I will have plenty of time and I will write detailed description of my life without any problems. Now I will write you brifly so
Please add comments about this scammer.
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2024-03-07 Last updated: 2024-03-07 Views: 412