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Dating scammer Natalia Tsibina
First name: Natalia
Last name: Tsibina
Age: 24
Name aliases:
Nat, Nata, Natalchika, Natalechka, Natali, Natalichka, Natalie, Natalii, Nataliia, Nataliuka, Nataliulka, Nataliulya, Nataliusenka, Nataliusha, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalochka, Nataloka, Natalushka, Nataly, Natalya, Natalyja, Natalyok, Natalyuhoka, Natalyulenka, Natalyushka, Natalyy, Natasha, Natashechka, Natashenka, Natashik, Natashka, Nathalia, Nathalie, Natika, Natka, Natty, Natulenka, Natusha, Natushka, Natushok, Natusia, Natusik, Natuska, Natusy, Natusya, Naty, Nutalchika, Nutulenka, Tusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Zvenigovo (Russia)
Russia, 424910, Zvenigovo, Larina str., 17-35
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):


REPORT N1 (added on June, 20, 2006)
Emmanuel (Belgique)

A fake tricker.

Scam Letters

Emails from Natalia Tsibina to Emmanuel (Belgique)
Hi my dear Emmanuel!!! How are you? How is everything with you today, Emmanuel? I am fine and I was very glad to receive a letter from you. You know, my dear Emmanuel, your letters are like rays of sunshine for me. I like to receive them a lot and day by day I like it more and more. Thank you very much for the attention you are giving me, Emmanuel. I appreciate it a lot, it means much to me, it really brightens my day. I want you to know it. But I have something, I think I should tell you. I would like to be honest with you, Emmanuel. You know that I put my profile in the internet because I really want to find my soul mate, my true love, the feeling that is missing in my life. So here I’ve met you and we are talking to each other now. Any way, I have a question. Do you correspond with other women now, Emmanuel? This is very important for me to know because deep in my heart I feel that I am getting used to your letters more and more, but I also know that this is too early to make any decisions, so I need to be honest with you from the beginning. As for me I correspond with some other men at the moment. I hope you understand me, understand what I mean. We’ll see what will happen in the future, but I really hope that soon my loneliness will end and may be you are the one who is going to help me with it? How do you think, Emmanuel? ;) :) You know, Emmanuel, I would like to tell you that I am very serious, I am serious about finding my future love, husband. Thi


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Created: 2006-06-20    Last updated: 2006-06-20    Views: 1665