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Dating scammer Anastasia Cherepanova

DATING SCAMMER Anastasia Cherepanova

First name: Anastasia
Last name: Cherepanova
Age: 32
Barbara Wiesner
Barbara Wiesner
Name aliases:
Anastacia, Anastaseya, Anastasiia, Anastasija, Anastasiy, Anastasiya, Anastasiychik, Anastasiychika, Anastasiyka, Anastasiyok, Anastasiyoka, Anastasiyunya, Anastasiyusha, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyusya, Anastassia, Anastassiya, Anastasya, Anastaysa, Anastesiya, Anasteysha, Asya, Babara, Babra, Barbarra, Barbera, Barbra, Baribara, Nansy, Nasta, Nastasia, Nastasya, Nastechka, Nasteha, Nastena, Nastenka, Nastia, Nastja, Nastka, Nastuha, Nastulya, Nastushka, Nastya, Nastyona, Nastysha, Nastyulya, Nastyusha, Nensy, Stasia, Stasya, Stesy, Tusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Samara (Russia); Ufa (Russia)
Russia, 443050, Samara, Lenina str., 40/7
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on September, 6, 2006)
Alan (USA)

"Hello dear Alan! At me today joyful news. I have made the international passport. Yesterday I asked money my best girlfriend.
She has given back me last 60 USD, that I could make the passport and prove to you, that I am real. My girlfriend Elena, knows about you and our relations. She is glad for me, that I have found the love. But she does not understand, why the proofs are necessary for love. But in any
case, I have made a copy of the passport and now I can send you. I hope it will remove all your doubts. And now we can be speed together and you will help me to arrive to you.
I hope, that we soon shall together. Please make as I to ask you. I very much have you and I want to be with you as soon as possible. Life heavy if to live by one without favourite. I hope you understand me. I wait for your answer.
I went to bank to find out as better to send money from other country. There to me have told that the best variant it to use the Western union. It is fast and reliable. I have found out more
in detail about the western union.
My full information for the western union Name:
Anastasiya Cherepanova
Country: Russia
City: Samara
Street: Lenina 40/7
Zip: 443050
Please write me the information for the western union:
sender's first name:
sender's last name:
sender's full address:
receiver's first name:
receiver's last name:
MTCN (Money Control Transfer Number). It consist of 10 figures.
Also make on the scanner or digital photo a copy receipts on remittance through the western union. And send these copies to me in your email.
REPORT N2 (added on April, 27, 2010)
Marko (Germany)

Die nette Dame fing mit Ihren Briefen ziemlic harmlos an. Szenario:
1. sie schreibt auf Profile, wie bei Neu.de (Partnervermittlung
2. kurzes Anschreiben.
3. Verliebt sich sehr schnell
4. die Briefe werden immer lAnger und intimer
5. Sie will sich bald mit einem treffen.
6. Nach Analyse der Ip-Adressen,waren Sie sehr unvorsichtig.Die ersten Mails gingen Yber Deutschland und Frankreich.Bei der dritten haben sie vergessen, die Mail zu verschleiern.Dahinter steckt ein gewisser Vadim und ein Nicolai.

Scam Letters

Emails from Anastasia Cherepanova to Alan (USA)
Hello Alan!

I was pleased very much about your message.
Im fine to and I would be very happy if you wrote back to me and wanting to become my friend.I want to tell you Im very honest and serious and dont wanna play games with you.Im looking for my special men who I want to create family with and I hope to find her soon.I would very much like to know you more and become your friend.
I also want to tell you that I want things to develope slowly and that first we become very good friends before we think of relationship.I believe that the base of any relationship is true friendship,real care and honesty and I hope you agree.
You would like to experience surely somewhat more over me?
Meanwhile. My birthday is the 12 of the August 1977 I am 28 years young, 175 cm long, 61 kg easily, dark brown hair, brown eyes. I live in Samara, Russia.

I work as the advertising manager in the young company and sincerely I hope to continue the career in advertising.. Inhabit a 1 room dwelling, kitchen and bath. Are however not rich, but just as poor as most here in Russia, Samara.
To prosperity to come over here one must be richly born or one must would amount to. By hands work one does not become here rich, but one can lead a pleasant life.

In my family lives only my aunt, that enjoys of best health. In the following letter I shall tell more to you about the family and why I have remained only with the aunt. I before have not been married and I have no any childr

Emails from Anastasia Cherepanova to Marko (Germany)
Guten Tag Marko

Es ist so wunderschoen, dass wir unseren Verkehr angefangen haben. Ich habe konnte nicht glauben, dass ich per Internet mit jemanden eine Bekanntschaft machen kann. Und da schreibe ich schon den Brief an dich. Ich mache zum ersten Mal eine Bekanntschaft per Internet. Und ich weiss sogar nicht womit ich anfangen muss, um etwas ueber sich dich zu erzaehlen. Vielleich wird es sogar besser, wenn du mir selbst Fragen stellen wirst und wirst fragen das, was du ueber mich erfahren willst. Ich erzaehle ein bisschen, damit es dir interessant war, mit mir zu verkehren! Ich fange damit an, dass mein Name Barbara Wiesner. Ich bin 32 Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Russland, in diesem grossen und echt schoenen Land, im Land mit der erstaunlichen Geschichte, mit der wunderschoenen, erdreifenden Natur. Ich bin in Kirovgebiet geboren, aber zur Zeit wohne ich in der Stadt Ufa (die Republik Baschkortostan). Wenn du nicht kennst, es ist etwa 1300km westlicher von Moskau. Frueher wohnte ich auch mit meinen Eltern. Aber ihre Beziehung zu mir, ihre Liebe, es gab nicht, es gab nur staendige Konflikte und Streitigkeiten. Alles war so schwer, und so unverstaendlich in meinem Leben. Es gab so viel Schmerz und Leiden. Meine Eltern waren einfache Arbeiter, aber ihr Lebenssinn bestand nur darin, Alkohol zu trinken. Es gab keine liebe zu mir, keine Sorge. Ich war immer allen. Und ich habe fuer mich beschlossen, wenn ich erwachsen werde, so werde ich ein starker Men


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Created: 2006-09-06    Last updated: 2010-04-27    Views: 1796