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Dating scammer Natalia
First name: Natalia
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Nat, Nata, Natalchika, Natalechka, Natali, Natalichka, Natalie, Natalii, Nataliia, Nataliuka, Nataliulka, Nataliulya, Nataliusenka, Nataliusha, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalochka, Nataloka, Natalushka, Nataly, Natalya, Natalyja, Natalyok, Natalyuhoka, Natalyulenka, Natalyushka, Natalyy, Natasha, Natashechka, Natashenka, Natashik, Natashka, Nathalia, Nathalie, Natika, Natka, Natty, Natulenka, Natusha, Natushka, Natushok, Natusia, Natusik, Natuska, Natusy, Natusya, Naty, Nutalchika, Nutulenka, Tusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Lugansk (Ukraine)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
My Foreign Bride


REPORT N1 (added on October, 16, 2006)
Hugh (Scotland)

The pictures are of different people, then she moves onto the standard.

Scam Letters

Emails from Natalia to Hugh (Scotland)
Hello my darling Hugh!

All day long I was wondering whether you will send me a letter or not, and now I'm really glad that you did! I want to stress that I would like to communicate with you very much, because I do feel that you are the right man for me. May be it will seem a bit ****** for you, but they say, that women's intuition never fails, so who knows- The population of our city is about 500 000 people. Thank you very much for your photo and all your thoughts and desires, I like you and want to meet one day soon, what do you think about it? I think that we open a new page of our relationship and become closer with each letter. I want to know as much as possible about you.

So, I would like to tell you about myself. My name is Natasha, I live in the town of Lugansk, that is situated on the very east of Ukraine. Unfortunately I can't boast with happy and careless childhood. You must have heard about the problem of alcohol in our country, so my father wasn't an exception. I can only remember endless drunken quarrels, tears of my mother, promises of my father not to drink any more and breaking of these promises as soon as he saw a bottle of *****. The more time passed, the worse situation was becoming. My father at that time was beating my mother already and one day he beat me very badly, there even remained the scar on my back. After that my mother ran away with me to the town of Lugansk, where her sister was living and who helped us to settle the


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Created: 2006-10-16    Last updated: 2006-10-16    Views: 1636