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Dating scammer Tatyana Shaner
First name: Tatyana
Last name: Shaner
Age: 24
Name aliases:
Tanechka, Tani, Tanichka, Tanily, Tanilya, Tanni, Tantana, Tanulechka, Tanulenka, Tanulya, Tanusha, Tanushka, Tanuska, Tanusoka, Tanya, Tanyoka, Tanyuha, Tanyulka, Tanyusechka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka, Tasha, Tatana, Tati, Tatiana, Tatianok, Tatianulka, Tatik, Tatiyana, Tatsiana, Tatty, Taty, Tatyanchik, Tatyanka, Tatyanoka, Tatyanulenka, Tatyanulya, Tatyanusenka, Tatyanushka, Tatyanushoka, Tatyanusika, Tatyanuska, Tatyanusya, Taya, Tenia, Teti, Tetiana, Tetianok, Tetyana, Tinka, Titanya, Tonya
Scammer's Location(s):
Zeleniy Dol (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):


REPORT N1 (added on November, 17, 2006)
JJ (Canada)

We have communicated over about 8 emails. She seems very nice, but never answered any direct questions. She asked for my pic several times, which I finaly did send over. It's like she didn't know how to operate a computer because even after I sent it she was still asking for it. Well by the 6th email she is completely in love with me (OK what's up with that?) by email 7 there is a sob story and by email 8 she is asking for money because the house that they rent in, the gas has been shut down and she needs to go and buy an electric stove so that they can cook.

Scam Letters

Emails from Tatyana Shaner to JJ (Canada)
Hello my dear!
I was very glad that you have answered me my letter. I with pleasure read it. It so is interesting to get acquainted with the person from other country. Thank that you have answered me, I hope that our correspondence and will proceed further. Excuse me if I shall once have not answered you soon. I write you letters from Internet - cafe because I have no the computer of a house. I with the great pleasure I write you the answer. I think that you want to find out about me little bit more. I work as the hairdresser in one beauty salon. This work seems to me interesting very much. My hobby this ski, dances and aerobics. I try to support the figure in the good form. I hope that my figure is pleasant to you. And what your hobby? Write to me what you like to do at leisure. I also like to bake pies at leisure. At my houses are many books with recipes of food and I am going under these recipes. To me relatives and to my friends it very much is pleasant. Probably in the future you also will try it. I think that you also search for the love through the Internet unites us slightly. May be us the destiny has reduced. It is such small probability to find the destiny among millions people. Whether I hope that we with you shall correspond further and we will known whether we approach for each other. In this letter I send you my photo. I hope that in the next letter you also will send me more of you. I wait for your answer.
Yours faithfully Tanya


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Created: 2006-11-17    Last updated: 2006-11-17    Views: 1540