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Dating scammer Olga Kiseleva
First name: Olga
Last name: Kiseleva
Age: 28
Name aliases:
Helga, Hola, Lelya, Ola, Olalasha, Olchik, Olechka, Olechkaanks, Olenka, Oleshka, Oleshka, Olgchik, Olgchika, Olgika, Olgo, Olgoka, Olgulka, Olgulya, Olgunka, Olgusha, Olgushka, Olgushoka, Olgushulenka, Olgusik, Olgusika, Olguska, Olgusya, Olha, Olia, Olika, Olinushka, Oliya, Olja, Olly, Olra, Olshuka, Olsuka, Olunia, Olunka, Olushka, Olusik, Oly, Olyunka, Olyunya, Olyushka, Volha
Scammer's Location(s):
Kazan (Russia)
32-33 Baumana str., Kazan, 420004, Russia
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Cupid Bay


REPORT N1 (added on November, 21, 2006)
Mark (England)

This girl has been writing to me. She has asked me for money on diffrent occasions. Now she askes for 350 dollars for internet costs. I did a search and found her photo on romance web site.

Scam Letters

Emails from Olga Kiseleva to Mark (England)
I am very pleased, that you have answered my letter. In general I do not know from that, ? to begin the letter. Probably, you find out something concerning me? I should inform concerning me. I the usual Russian girl actually who is not distinguished than - be from others. It is probable to describe concerning itself it would be easier, if I did not do it for the first time. Excuse me for the disorder of words, it, because I worry a little, you see this my first acquaintance through the Internet. The time has arrived to continue a history concerning itself.
My growth of 168 centimeters, and weight 52 kg. They - normal sizes for the girl, who supports itself, and goes in sports clubs. I very much like to engage in sports competitions, without it I feel not in the form.
I like sports competitions from childhood, I participated on competitions to a trace and field athletics, and repeatedly won the awarded places. My age 28 years. And you like sports competitions? However, it has no for me the large value. It is important, that we have with you mutual understanding. I live in city Kazan , as I was born and has grown. It - very beautiful city. I live with the mum and daddy in an apartment with two rooms.
I live in a separate room , I very much like her. I shall inform concerning job: I work as the manager in firm which is engaged in colours. I very much to like to a fish. I well speak, in English but to write in me it is going to concernin


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Created: 2006-11-21    Last updated: 2006-11-21    Views: 1661