DATING SCAMMER Ekaterina Sibagatullina
First name:
Last name:
Natalia Andreeva
Name aliases:
Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Ecaterina, Ecateryna, Ekatarina, Ekaterinacka, Ekaterinchika, Ekaterinka, Ekaterinochka, Ekaterinok, Ekaterinoka, Ekaterinulka, Ekaterinusechka, Ekaterinusenka, Ekaterinusha, Ekaterinusik, Ekaterinusya, Ekatrina, Kat, Katarina, Kate, Katenka, Katerina, Katerinka, Katerinochka, Katerinushka, Kateryna, Kath, Katharine, Katherin, Katherina, Katherine, Katheryn, Kathryn, Kathy, Kati, Katia, Katiya, Katja, Katka, Katlyn, Katrin, Katrina, Katty, Katuha, Katunya, Katusha, Katushechka, Katushka, Katuska, Katy, Katya, Katys, Katysha, Katyulya, Ket, Ketrin, Kettira, Kittie, Kitty, Nat, Nata, Natalchika, Natalechka, Natali, Natalichka, Natalie, Natalii, Nataliia, Nataliuka, Nataliulka, Nataliulya, Nataliusenka, Nataliusha, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalochka, Nataloka, Natalushka, Nataly, Natalya, Natalyja, Natalyok, Natalyuhoka, Natalyulenka, Natalyushka, Natalyy, Natasha, Natashechka, Natashenka, Natashik, Natashka, Nathalia, Nathalie, Natika, Natka, Natty, Natulenka, Natusha, Natushka, Natushok, Natusia, Natusik, Natuska, Natusy, Natusya, Naty, Nutalchika, Nutulenka, Tusya, Yekaterina
Scammer's Location(s):
Moscow (Russia); Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia)
Russia, Niznii Novgorod, Stroiteley str., 15/48
Russia, Moscow, Gagarin str,. 45/78
Russia, Moscow, Gagarin str,. 45/78
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:
(added on February, 6, 2007)
FranAois (France)
I'm a french man, I'm 34.
I've been contacted on a french meeting site by a Russian girl which told me she lived in the states.
We send many mails each others and she never ask me about money. She seems to be a very nice girl but she did not often answer to some of my questions : Her address in the states, how many men did she had before..... She give me a phone number, but when I called it, I always have a voicemail (where it seems to be her voice).
We continue to speak, she call me once for few minutes.
By end of December, This girl said me she returns in russia for a friend wedding, christmas and new year. Once there she continue to send me nice mails ans then she ask me if it would be possible she come and visit me for few days during her return to the states.
I've accepted her proposal. Few days before her flight to Paris, she ask me for a huge sum of money because of the "french customs". i've refused to do so but I've ask french administration to understand what happend. There I've learned that an official paper (certificate of accomodation) will avoid her to have to carry so much money. I've made my city House give me the paper and sent it to Her.
After recieving it, she continue to ask me money and did not answer anything about that paper. I asked her to show me passport, visa and fly ticket.
Then I called the French ambassy in Moscow ans they said me the visa was a fake, the passport seems to have been modified too and none air company nows where comes the ticket I show them.
I did not send any money to her but I make her believe I've did it. Because she could not recieve the money, she give me another name to help me sending money. Again, I did not send money but I repeat she did not need money with the paper I've send to her.
Of course she did not come. To be sure she is a scamer, I contact her once again during few days. And she propose me again to come. Again, feways before her arrival, she ask me money (but a less amount than the first time) because of "the french customs".
You have attached many of the mails she sent to me, from the first to one of the lasts ones. You will find pics of her, the addresses she gaves to me, her passport and visa, the phone numbers in the states she gaves to me.
I've looked on the black lists of reported scammers, but I did not find her. There is one other EKTERINA SIBAGATULLINA in the files, but the address and pics are differents.
I've contacted Yahoo (because the mail box from this girl seems to come from there) but they said me despite the address ( ) it is not comming from a yahoo mailbox....
I really think she is not honest. Please check this and tell me if you wish to place her in your black list. If you need more informationsn I'm ready to help you.
Waiting for your answer, I thank you in advance.
Scam Letters
Emails from Ekaterina Sibagatullina to FranAois (France)
Hi, Francois!I didnt think, that you will answer so quickly. How are you?
I am perfect, but I have a lot of jobs, therefore I could not answer to you earlier, but usually I try find free time to look, that continues my email.
It's perfect, you have found, that free time has answered.
Large, that you are open for our communication. Well... My names Kate.
Me 28 years.
I live in Fargo, US. I work in educational area.
I work at the children's centre Fargo.
Francois if it will be interesting to you to learn more about my job.
That I'll write you about my work in my following letters. OK
What about you? What area by yours job? What your hobbies?
Also I want inform you Francois that I'm in USA almost 1 year. If that is exacter 11 months.
In USA I have arrived under the exchange program of education.
I work with children. In USA I have arrived from Europe.
I worked 5 years in England. City of London. In educational area also.
Me very much like my job. I like children.
I wait for answer.
P.S. I transfer you pic.
Hello Francois!
I to not receive the answer from you and to the free time have decided to write about myself.
If to you not pleasantly my dialogue, you can write to me. I shall understand all.
Tu peux ecrire en francais. Je peux parler et comprendre la langue francaise, mais il est tres mauvais d'ecrire. Si tu ne pas comprendre, que je t'ecrire tu tu peux utiliser le programme informati
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2007-02-06 Last updated: 2007-02-06 Views: 1818