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Dating scammer Anna Gavrysh
First name: Anna
Last name: Gavrysh
Age: 27
Anita Zemchuzhunka
Anita Zemchuzhunka
Name aliases:
Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Anetta, Ania, Anika, Aniuta, Aniya, Anja, Anka, Ann, Annah, Annchik, Anne, Annet, Anneta, Annetka, Annia, Annie, Annija, Annika, Annochka, Annulenka, Annulka, Annulya, Annusha, Annushka, Annusika, Annuta, Annutusha, Anny, Annya, Annyshka, Anushka, Anuta, Anutik, Anutka, Anuytachka, Anya, Anyka, Anyta, Anyunya, Anyuta, Anyutka, Anyutochka, Hanechka, Hanna, Hannushka, Hanny, Hanuta, Hanutik, Hanutka, Khanka, Nusha, Nusha, Nyusha
Scammer's Location(s):
Lugansk (Ukraine)
Ukraine, Lugansk, Titova str., 3
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Cupid Bay
Celebrity website:


REPORT N1 (added on April, 16, 2007)
Christian (Mexico)

Classic scammers request money to continue the communication; her profile it says that she has 29 years old but in fact she has 25 years old, demands of form plaintiff honesty when she contacts with other men.
In addition she uses photographies of a model.
REPORT N2 (added on April, 16, 2009)
Raphael (Canada)

Typical translation scam. Many letters and hot photos followed by request from the translation company.

Scam Letters

Emails from Anna Gavrysh to Christian (Mexico)
Privet Christian!

You can write me to this address libra_lady@bk.ru !!!!!

Have you ever heard a Russian word "PRIVET" ("Hello" in English)? Yes? No? It is so strange that we are talking now and I don't know your answer:))) We are talking cause of I'm writing you and I expect your answer. Will you answer me here libra_lady@bk.ru? At the moment I don't know whether you know Russian or not. As you know I'm from Ukraine and my native language is Russian. You will get my first letter in English cause of I want you to understand it in any case. If you tell me that you know Russian it will be more easy for us to communicate. If you are going to write me in Russian using a computer translator I have to notify in advance that it will not work. It will not work cause of I need you to write me yourself without any "machines". If you are going to ask some friend to translate our correspondence it will not work as well. I simply don't want any of your friends to be involved in our romance. I need only your own thoughts, feelings, intentions and expectations. I'm writing you with a hope to create a couple with you. Here I'm lonely and I'm not in love. I'm not married, I have never been married, I don't have a boyfriend, but I had some. I saw your profile and I had an intuitive feeling that you could be mine. Now my attraction to you is only intuitive cause of I don't know you at all, you don't know me at all. If you like me, if you have the same intu

Emails from Anna Gavrysh to Raphael (Canada)
Privet Rob!

You can write me to this address Zemchuzhunka@mail.ru !!!!!

Have you ever heard a Russian word "PRIVET" ("Hello" in English)? Yes? No? It is so strange that we are talking now and I don't know your answer:))) We are talking cause of I'm writing you and I expect your answer. Will you answer me here Zemchuzhunka@mail.ru? At the moment I don't know whether you know Russian or not. As you know I'm from Ukraine and my native language is Russian. You will get my first letter in English cause of I want you to understand it in any case. If you tell me that you know Russian it will be more easy for us to communicate. If you are going to write me in Russian using a computer translator I have to notify in advance that it will not work. It will not work cause of I need you to write me yourself without any "machines". If you are going to ask some friend to translate our correspondence it will not work as well. I simply don't want any of your friends to be involved in our romance. I need only your own thoughts, feelings, intentions and expectations. I'm writing you with a hope to create a couple with you. Here I'm lonely and I'm not in love. I'm not married, I have never been married, I don't have a boyfriend, but I had some. I saw your profile and I had an intuitive feeling that you could be mine. Now my attraction to you is only intuitive cause of I don't know you at all, you don't know me at all. If you like me, if you have the same intu


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Created: 2007-04-16    Last updated: 2021-05-05    Views: 1808