DATING SCAMMER Marina Balabaeva
First name:
Last name:
Name aliases:
Mari, Marinchik, Marinchika, Marinika, Marinka, Marin-ka, Marinna, Marinochka, Marinocka, Marinoka, Marinulenka, Marinulka, Marinusechka, Marinusha, Marinushka, Marinusia, Marinuska, Marisha, Marishechka, Marishka, Marishulya, Marishuska, Marunka, Maryna, Marynochka
Scammer's Location(s):
Kirov (Russia); Yaransk (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
(added on May, 16, 2007)
Chris (Belgium)
New Mari-El scammer.
(added on June, 6, 2007)
Justin (Australia)
Hello , I have done a little research on the net regarding this woman and thanks to you my suspicions have been confirmed.
I have the same cut 'n' paste emails from this ***** and the same photos.
I can supply you with her emails if you like.
Thank you so much !
God be with you.
Scam Letters
Emails from Marina Balabaeva to Chris (Belgium)
Hi Chris,I am so pleased, that you have again written to me the letter. I have received your letter and I hasten to send you the answer. I write to you because I for a long time wanted to find the serious and clever person who understood me and concerned to me with kindness and tenderness.
Now I want to write to you as at me passes usual day and as it is a little about me. My day begins in 6:30 mornings and first of all I go in bathing. The ambassador, I as well as all women bring myself to the order, i.e. I do a make-up, in fact any woman needs to look beautifully. Then I have breakfast and at 7:30 I leave from a house and I go on a stop. I go for work on public transport, but sometimes at a stop there are many people, and I go for work on foot. In general I like to take a walk before my work, from a house 20 - 30 minutes of walking. My working day lasts from 8 o'clock till 19 o'clock and by the end of the working day I come tired and at once I go to accept bathing as after that I feel restoration of forces. Now in my mode of day visiting Internet - cafe was added to write to you letters to that I am very glad.
I the unique daughter and at me was not present neither sisters, nor the brother. I live separately from the parents as in the inheritance the apartment has got to me from the grandmother and I have moved there to begin an independent life and I I solve the vital problems. I very much love pets, and at me very small kitten, his name i
Emails from Marina Balabaeva to Justin (Australia)
Hi Justin,I am so pleased, that you have again written to me the letter. I have received your letter and I hasten to send you the answer. I write to you because I for a long time wanted to find the serious and clever person who understood me and concerned to me with kindness and tenderness. Me your photo which you very was pleasant to me have sent also I with the big interest studied you and not hiding from you and I want to notice myself that you very nice the man.
Justin, I write to you letters at once in English as earlier I taught English language and not bad I know, therefore now I can write to you letters without the translator. But there are words., which I do not know also I translate from the dictionary. Now I want to write to you as at me passes usual day and as it is a little about me. My day begins in 6:30 mornings and first of all I go in bathing. The ambassador, I as well as all women bring myself to the order, i.e. I do a make-up, in fact any woman needs to look beautifully. Then I have breakfast and at 7:30 I leave from a house and I go on a stop. I go for work on public transport, but sometimes at a stop there are many people, and I go for work on foot. In general I like to take a walk before my work, from a house 20 - 30 minutes of walking. My working day lasts from 8 o'clock till 19 o'clock and by the end of the working day I come tired and at once I go to accept bathing as after that I feel restoration of forces. Now in my
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2007-05-16 Last updated: 2007-06-06 Views: 1761