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Dating scammer Mira Gromova
First name: Mira
Last name: Gromova
Age: 28
Svetlana Tarasova, Julia Kirsun, Tatyana
Svetlana Tarasova, Julia Kirsun, Tatyana
Name aliases:
Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Lana, Lulia, Svaetlana, Sveta, Svetik, Svetka, Svetla, Svetlanchik, Svetlanka, Svetlanoka, Svetlanulka, Svetochka, Svetusik, Svitlana, Svletana, Tanechka, Tani, Tanichka, Tanily, Tanilya, Tanni, Tantana, Tanulechka, Tanulenka, Tanulya, Tanusha, Tanushka, Tanuska, Tanusoka, Tanya, Tanyoka, Tanyuha, Tanyulka, Tanyusechka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka, Tasha, Tatana, Tati, Tatiana, Tatianok, Tatianulka, Tatik, Tatiyana, Tatsiana, Tatty, Taty, Tatyanchik, Tatyanka, Tatyanoka, Tatyanulenka, Tatyanulya, Tatyanusenka, Tatyanushka, Tatyanushoka, Tatyanusika, Tatyanuska, Tatyanusya, Taya, Tenia, Teti, Tetiana, Tetianok, Tetyana, Tinka, Titanya, Tonya, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha
Scammer's Location(s):
Cheboksary (Russia); Izhevsk (Russia); Kazan (Russia); Omsk (Russia); Saratov (Russia)
Russia, 410039, Saratov, Azina str., Unit 11/20
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Aussie Singles, Badoo, Free Dating Service, Russian Euro, Site 2 Date


REPORT N1 (added on July, 10, 2007)
Gerold (Germany)

Visa/travel Scam.
REPORT N2 (added on July, 27, 2007)
Phil (Australia)

This girl contacted me herself and we started to write to each other. Her letter were broad with out a lot of detail. She said her parent were dead and she was alone. She owned her apartment and she worked as a teacher.
She sent me some authentic looking photos. After about 4 or 5 letters she loved me and only me and she had the money to visit me and that was working with an agency that would get her a working visa in my country (this is impossible for her to do that as she told me). She trvelled to Moscow to arrange paper work and then she asked me for a large amount of money that she told me she needed to show she could support herself in her travels.
This really got alarm bells ring if they were not before. I will play her along a bit more but will not send her money and will slam the door in her face very soon.
REPORT N3 (added on November, 1, 2007)
Fred (Netherlands)

Long time I had perfect correspondence with Svetlana she answered all questions but I have played with this girl, I had knowledge she was reported here under another name she would travel to me and ask my help, never I got her own address and phonenumber she told I needed to pay a travel agency it was so far that I told her she is scammer and than I was surprised I got a letter from Mira Gromova it was her friend who made her pictures.
I order her to take another big and known agency in Izhevsk she could not do that because her agency started to arrange her papers later I asked her to make two pictures in front of two buildings in Izhevsk I gave her, later I got the pictures.
she would arrive October 30th to me and pressed me to pay her travel than I informed my embassy or she got her visa but her name was unknown than I asked the big known agency or they know her agency after a kind answer form that big agency I learned that her travel agency was unknown and the address was a flat than the address of her agency was not complete.
I blame her she play with me and now she is gone or silence.
REPORT N4 (added on July, 28, 2009)
Claude (Switzerland)

I have been contacted by Yuliya, checked her message and found the same here.
REPORT N5 (added on May, 13, 2010)
Alfredo (Italy)

I'm from Italy. She contacted me about a month ago on badoo using a italian girl identity. We gave our email addresses to each other, then she wrote she was a children''s doctor living in Omsk.After we sent 5-6 emails to each other, i became suspicious as her emails were very similiar, then a friend told me of date scamming and today i had confirmation to my suspect as i found a photo very similiar to some photos she sent me. She did not asked me money yet but she wrote shw was planning to come to Italy so i suppose she would have asked me money sooner or later. Thank you.

Scam Letters

Emails from Mira Gromova to Gerold (Germany)
Hello my beloved!!!!
Hello from Moscow!!! It was hard arrival. I am so tired from arrival. There is warmer than in Saratov, it is beautiful weather here, Gerold! Have you ever been to Moscow? This city is very big. Do you know that the Ostankinskaya tower is higher than the Eyfeleva tower?
Loved, I have for you not very good news. Everything i fine, but one obstacle has appeared, about which I didn't know early. I came to the embassy and I was said there that visa is ready, but to I'll be given it, I have to buy 2 tickets and show them in the embassy to arrive to you and return back. I went to the airport, 2 tickets will cost 408 euro. I have to insure my life because without insurance I'll not be serviced in hospitals. I have been insured, insurance costs 140 euro. Gerold, but the most important news which has very much upset me, this that that, I have to have in my hands not less than 600 euro on entrance to the country and the documents, confirming this. I have money for the ticket, but I have no 600 euro on entrance to the country! Validity of the visa is 90 days and this money confirms that I'll be able to contain myself for that time. I get the worker visa, in the document it is not said that I arrive to you, so I'll not be released out of country without these money. Loved, without your help I'll not be able to come to you. If you send me 600 euro via Western Union, I'll be able get quickly your money and in 2 days you'll meet me in the

Emails from Mira Gromova to Phil (Australia)
Hello my beloved Phil!!!!!
Hello from Moscow!!! It was hard arrival. I am so tired from arrival. There is warmer than in Saratov, it is beautiful weather here, Phil! Have you ever been to Moscow? This city is very big. Do you know that the Ostankinskaya tower is higher than the Eyfeleva tower?
Loved, I have for you not very good news. Everything i fine, but one obstacle has appeared, about which I didn't know early. I came to the embassy and I was said there that visa is ready, but to I'll be given it, I have to buy 2 tickets and show them in the embassy to arrive to you and return back. I went to the airport, 2 tickets will cost 2765 Americn dollars. I have to insure my life because without insurance I'll not be serviced in hospitals. I have been insured, insurance costs 300 American dollars. And I have to have in my hands not less than 1800 American dollars on entrance to the country and the documents, confirming this. I have money for the ticket, but I have no 1800 American dollars on entrance to the country! Validity of the visa is 90 days and this money confirms that I'll be able to contain myself for that time. I get the worker visa, in the document it is not said that I arrive to you, so I'll not be released out of country without these money. Loved, without your help I'll not be able to come to you. If you send me 1800 American dollars via Western Union, I'll be able get quickly your money and in 2 days you'll meet me in the airport. Yo

Emails from Mira Gromova to Fred (Netherlands)
My dear Fred.

I am very glad to receive yours letters.

I could not write to you some days, I have received a solar heatstroke when I was on a beach and I had a heat and was sick. I was at home and I had no many forces to go to library and to check my mail. I regret it happen during such responsible moment when we discuss our meeting, but it was not my fault. Trust me. I did not forget you these days and I thought of you daily. I ask your pardon once again and I hope to receive it.

My darling I miss very much. And I wish to arrive to you. I know you want it too. We have huge plans to this. I hope after our meeting in person we can make the main decision in our life.

My darling you ask how you can help to pay to me my travel to you. I spoke with travel agency. I consulted to them about a way of payment or transfer of money from other country. They have told they accept it and they can do it. They use e-gold system usually. You know about this? You used it sometime? It has a site www.e-gold.com. If you do not know about this you can investigate it there.

They can use system MoneyGram too. If you cannot use e-gold. It is possible too.

My darling I finish this short letter to you and I expect to hear from you back soon.

My kisses and warm hugs to you.

Yours Svetlana.

My darling Fred.

I am very glad to see your letter. I have especial mood always when I check my mail and I have your letter in

Emails from Mira Gromova to Claude (Switzerland)
Hello, my new friend! I am very pleased, that you have answered my letter. First of all I want to apologize for my not fast reply. I have no computer in my house. Yes, it's really pity... I can't answer you in the same moment as you. Thank you that you have found time write me letter. I think you have many questions to me. I shall try describe myself. I do not know what tell you in the beginning... Well, let's begin! I would like you to name me Yuliya. I'm 28. My birthday - march, 8, 1981. My height - 5 foots 6 inches (168 cm). My weight - 126 pounds (57 kg). As you see in my photo, I have brown eyes, and color of my hair - blonde. I have serious intentions, and I do not want to make a wrong choice... I tried write to you, and now I see, that you answered. We can start our corresponding, I think so... I want to be fair with you. Be fair with me too. I live in Russia, in city Kazan. Did you heard about it? It is very ancient city. Kazan is located in 500 kilometers from Moscow. Kazan the big and wellknown city in Russia, it is located on the river Volga. We are two persons who want to meet someone ONLY for serious relations. I'm right? We can try to know better each other, but if you do not want, it is your choice...
Little about me. I have higher education. I started my education in secondary school, in Kazan. After I have finished it, I have entered Economic Faculty of Technical University. I have finished it 5 years ago. Now I work as a bookke

Emails from Mira Gromova to Alfredo (Italy)
My dear Alfredo!!!!!!!
Hello my best friend Alfredo!!!!
I think that you not against if I shall name you the best friend?
It is very pleasant to me to see your new message and our correspondence this huge pleasure should admit that!
my Darling Alfredo, I very much waited your photo, I knew that you necessarily will send me your photos! You have sent their many thanks for it! You know as I love your photos, I very much like to look at them much. I very much would want that you sent me your photos as it is possible is more often as they really do my mood on much better!!
How there is your day?
I'm fine and to become even it is better when I read your new message :)
Today I had difficult day on work because there were many calls and we went in different parts Omsk to assist children.
Almost all children suffer now cold and because weather often varies and it is very easy to be ill. After work I at once have come into the Internet cafe to write to you new message.
In sunday we went with girlfriends on an ice skating rink!
This huge pleasure when you slide on skates on an ice and you carry out different figures and rotations. Certainly not always it turns out to make all that you want and sometimes there are falling but I train.
During this moment I feel freedom of movement and I feel as a fresh wind fills my hair! You skate on an ice? Probably you like skis? Unfortunately I seldom ski because it is necessary to leave from Omsk on special l


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Created: 2007-07-10    Last updated: 2022-03-15    Views: 1741