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Dating scammer Elena Golovina
First name: Elena
Last name: Golovina
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Alenka, Elanka, Eleena, Elen, Elenka, Elenochka, Elenushok, Elenushoka, Elenushulenka, Eli, Ellena, Ellene, Elona, Helen, Helena, Helenachka, Jelena, Lena, Lenaa, Lenchik, Lenka, Lennochka, Lennok, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenusha, Lenushulenka, Lenusia, Lenusial, Lenusik, Lenusikka, Lenusya, Lienkchik, Lleena, Olena, Olena, Yelena
Scammer's Location(s):
Zvenigovo (Russia)
Russia, Zvenigovo, Lenina str., 8-54
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on August, 31, 2007)
Martin (Belgium)

Same old story verry poor.
Visa and travel scam.

Scam Letters

Emails from Elena Golovina to Martin (Belgium)
Hi my dear Martin!!! I am glad to receive your letter! I thought today of you and your letter all the day long! Excuse that I for a long time to not answer you your letter! I went and found out in travel agency what to me documents to arrive to you are necessary! I find out for myself! I have gone to travel agency with hope and pleasure that I can buy itself to myself the visa and international passport ! But when I to see the prices for the visa and the international passport I very strongly to be upset and I think that I cannot pay one my charges! I even now in in the place to not know that to me to do ? Because my wages are equal 120 $ in a month! And the visa and the international passport for travel abroad and costs all together 350 euro ! For me it is simply big money! I even cry a little that I can not find such money if I shall work on 5 to work at once! You probably should understand that at us in Russia very much to pay small wages! What to me to do ? I know there is an exit from this situation, but I think that you to perceive very seriously! I think that if you to me will help to pay to me the visa and the international passport I shall be very glad and with the big pleasure I shall make myself the visa and to fly to you! What do you think? I think that we with you together should struggle and think as us with you together faster to meet? I want our meeting with you! As it was not strange! But you strongly to sit in my heart and I to


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Created: 2007-08-31    Last updated: 2007-08-31    Views: 1656