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Dating scammer Elena
First name: Elena
Age: 23
Name aliases:
Alenka, Elanka, Eleena, Elen, Elenka, Elenochka, Elenushok, Elenushoka, Elenushulenka, Eli, Ellena, Ellene, Elona, Helen, Helena, Helenachka, Jelena, Lena, Lenaa, Lenchik, Lenka, Lennochka, Lennok, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenusha, Lenushulenka, Lenusia, Lenusial, Lenusik, Lenusikka, Lenusya, Lienkchik, Lleena, Olena, Olena, Yelena
Scammer's Location(s):
Donetsk (Ukraine)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
My Beloved Net


REPORT N1 (added on November, 9, 2007)
Gavin (Australia)

The usual Translation scam after 3 letters.
Amazing how they are all streaming out of the woodwork at present.

Scam Letters

Emails from Elena to Gavin (Australia)
Hello, Gavin!

I am glad to have a possibility to communicate with you through e-mail. Hope that we'll be able to create nice relations.

I think that to start the relations I need to tell you about me. So, my name is Lena. Full name, like it's written in the passport is Elena, but everyone calls me either Lena or Lenok. As you know, I am 23 and was born on July, 31, 1984. I am Lion. I think it's very good star sign, and was always told that people with such sign are very nice and kind.

I live in the city called Lugansk. It's a Ukrainian city, located in the east of the country not far from Donetsk and about 900 kilometers from Kiev. I live with my parents. Our family is not very small, I have two more sisters, but they are older than me and live separately. My older sister is 29 and she is already married.

I work as shop assistant in a supermarket. I can't say that I like or dislike my job. I have attitude to it, like to a usual work which I have to do. But surely I am dreaming about something more, maybe a work of a teacher because I love children a lot. And surely I would like to have a normal salary. But for the moment I realize that it is not possible because I am only studying at the University. I study at Lugansk Pedagogical University and will be an economist.

I can't say about my personality, if it is good or bad because I think, that the best way for you to know this is to communicate with me and see. But all my friends and


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Created: 2007-11-09    Last updated: 2007-11-09    Views: 1599