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Dating scammer Evgenia
First name: Evgenia
Age: 29
Name aliases:
Eugenia, Eugenija, Eugenya, Evgeniia, Evgenija, Evgeniya, Evgenusha, Evgenya, Ewgenia, Ewgenija, Ewgeniya, Genya, Gnni, Jenushka, Jenya, Yevgeniya, Zhenia, Zhenya
Scammer's Location(s):
Noviy Ajdar (Ukraine)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):


REPORT N1 (added on February, 25, 2008)
Ross (Australia)

Translation scam.

Scam Letters

Emails from Evgenia to Ross (Australia)
Dear Sir.

We want to inform you that your lady Eugenia is not able to reply to your last e-mail, as her paid contract with our agency is over. As she has written you she is a client of our agency . She has been using the Internet resources and the help of our best translators to keep communication with you. We would like to inform you also that we are writing from her e-mail address in order to avoid all the misunderstandings between you and your lady. Taking into consideration the fact of your correspondence we want you to be aware of this situation. Our agency has made this e-mail box for her in order she is able to use it for her personal correspondence. That is why Eugenia is able to use this e-mail box only after a conclusion a contract with us. Now she is not able to use her e-mail as her account is empty. As soon as she renews the contract she will be able to write you again.

Let us also please inform you that Eugenia informed us that she is having some financial difficulties at the moment and is not able to reply you for a certain period of time.

If you are interested in future correspondence with your lady we can offer you another contract for this purpose. If you are able to help your lady with correspondence fees we will be glad to assists you and are ready to offer you our service.

Feel free to contact us if you will have any questions on address globus.serv@gmail.com

Sincerely yours,
the principal of "Globus"


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Created: 2008-02-25    Last updated: 2008-02-25    Views: 1466