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Dating scammer Tatyana Semenova
First name: Tatyana
Last name: Semenova
Age: 37
Name aliases:
Tanechka, Tani, Tanichka, Tanily, Tanilya, Tanni, Tantana, Tanulechka, Tanulenka, Tanulya, Tanusha, Tanushka, Tanuska, Tanusoka, Tanya, Tanyoka, Tanyuha, Tanyulka, Tanyusechka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka, Tasha, Tatana, Tati, Tatiana, Tatianok, Tatianulka, Tatik, Tatiyana, Tatsiana, Tatty, Taty, Tatyanchik, Tatyanka, Tatyanoka, Tatyanulenka, Tatyanulya, Tatyanusenka, Tatyanushka, Tatyanushoka, Tatyanusika, Tatyanuska, Tatyanusya, Taya, Tenia, Teti, Tetiana, Tetianok, Tetyana, Tinka, Titanya, Tonya
Scammer's Location(s):
Samara (Russia)
Russia, 443041, Samara, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 76/13
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on May, 7, 2008)
Raf (Belgium)

Always same ****, never answers direct questions, except when started asking for money, then sends incomplete and poor quality document. Does not comply at all to things that prove her story, starts complaining when feeling the heat under her feet.

Scam Letters

Emails from Tatyana Semenova to Raf (Belgium)
I want to thank you for, for the letter which I have received from you. For me there was a unexpectedness to receive your answer and words to me. As you has shown interest to my letter I shall hope, that I shall not disappoint you my appearance...
I shall try to tell to you a little about me directly and in the letter I put to you wash a photo that you could see with whom you correspond...
I have gone to Internet - agency to get acquainted with the man for serious relationships. To me gave names of a web-site and login where I could look one million men. I have seen you and have decided at once, not deliberating to write to you on yours e-mail. e-mail I have seen yours on a site and now I write to you. I think you is very much surprised to this, and I too am surprised, because I never wrote to somebody and now I am so keen on the letter to you, that my ideas have got mixed up also I do not know from what to begin the story about me directly...
First, I hope, that my English is clear to you, the English language is not for me native, I the Russian girl, I speak Russian and as I have studied English at school and now I write to you in English...
I modest woman, but I nevertheless have dared to write to you as I think that communication with the person from other country is very unusual! I never communicated with people from other countries and I simply dream to find in your person of the friend with whom it is simply interesting to communicate


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Created: 2008-05-07    Last updated: 2008-05-07    Views: 1570