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Dating scammer Julia Yavorskaya
First name: Julia
Last name: Yavorskaya
Age: 21
Name aliases:
Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Lulia, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha
Scammer's Location(s):
Lugansk (Ukraine)
Brother's Palkiny St. 111, Lugansk, 91005, Ukraine
Phone number(s):
380(505) 78 33 71
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Lava Life


Thomas (Canada)

Let me start off by saying that I talked to this scammers before under a different email she didn't ask me for money but when I asked her if she was going to, she took it very offensive. She told me that she was well off and would never ask anyone for money.
Since I was curious if I had made a mistake I started talking to her under a different email. The first three letter would exactly the same as a before and by the fourth letter she was asking me for money for translactions and internet. So far I am playing along with it but will not send her anything.

Scam Letters

Emails from Julia Yavorskaya to Thomas (Canada)
Hello Thomas,
I'm very glad to receive your letter.
I want to tell you a story about one little Ukrainian girl. Her name is Yulya, she is 21 years old. Three years ago she moved to the big town called Lugansk. In this town she decided to begin her independent life. Since her childhood she dreamed to make this world a little bit better. That is why she entered the Medicinal University where she is the fourth-year student now. After graduating from the University she hopes her dreams will become a reality.
When she left her relatives she felt herself very unhappy. You see, her parents, her sister and her brother and all her friends stayed there. She misses very much mothers care until now.
During this time she found a lot of new friends. But they can hardly give to her something that only the man who loves her can give. She decided to go in a far travel to look for her prince. A prince whom she dreams about.
A prince who will be able to keep up the fire in her unbounded opened heart. A prince who will enchant her for all her life and she will be able to say "My soul isn't with me, my soul is with you. My soul can't be without you, my soul begs you to do something that can make her happy with you.
My soul will feel good herself with you if you give her your love". Tell me what do you think about yourself? Will you be able to give such love?
I'll be waiting for your letter and I hope for your true reply.

Hello dear Thomas,


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Created: 2004-06-29    Last updated: 2006-10-10    Views: 1942