DATING SCAMMER Maria Evtushenko
First name:
Last name:
Name aliases:
Macha, Maha, Maniasha, Manishka, Mari, Mariah, Marichika, Mariia, Marija, Marishka, Mariusya, Mariya, Mariyah, Mariychik, Mariychika, Mariyka, Mariyoka, Mariyulka, Mariyulya, Mariyushenka, Mariyushka, Mariyushoka, Mariyuska, Mariyusya, Marry, Maru, Marusechka, Marusia, Maruska, Mary, Marya, Maryia, Masha, Mashenka, Mashka, Mashoka, Mashshunya, Mashuk, Mashulechka, Mashulecka, Mashulenka, Mashulia, Mashulka, Mashulunya, Mashulya, Mashunya, Mashushka, Mashuska, Mrusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Chop (Ukraine)
Ukraina, 89500, Chop, Kapushanskaya str., 50/1
E-mail address(es):
(added on July, 8, 2008)
Rainer (USA)
She contacted me first 20 June. She did not take long to ask for money, six days. Said she could come with a tourist group to meet me in the U.S. She used miniumum effort to write to me, often typing a short letter with mine forwarded back to me. Scammers do no quit in a worsening global economy; they are just more lean and efficient in their fraud letters.
Scam Letters
Emails from Maria Evtushenko to Rainer (USA)
I am not acquainted with dating here, but I hope, that my first trial will be successful and I will find a good man for me:) What could I tell you about myself? As you may be know, my name is Mariya ( or short Masha) It is quite difficult and I can imagine, that we shall have a possibility to know each other better only through communication and it takes of course time.So, if you are interested in me ( after my pictures and information about me).I will be 24 years in August, I am student of last year and I live with my friendly family and my little sister. I know English and speak fluently German. I am fond of foreign languages and try to read some books in order to know Italian and French one day. I have many interests and will be happy to keep in touch with you.
Take care and write to me as soon as possible.
Dear Rainer,
thanks for your letter and your pic.
how are you?
>> We have many interests. Perhaps we have many interests in
>> common? I have books on Italian and Japanese, but for now
>> keep very busy to learn German and Russian. I went to
>> medical school and work now in hospitals and clinics.
>> What is your surname?
Kapushanskaya 50/1
89500 Chop
>> What is your -
>> Date of Birth:
25.08 84
>> Height:
>> Weight:
>> Education (University?):
>> Current Occupation:
not yet
>> City of Residence:
>> Country:
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2008-07-08 Last updated: 2008-07-08 Views: 1582