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Dating scammer Marina
First name: Marina
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Mari, Marinchik, Marinchika, Marinika, Marinka, Marin-ka, Marinna, Marinochka, Marinocka, Marinoka, Marinulenka, Marinulka, Marinusechka, Marinusha, Marinushka, Marinusia, Marinuska, Marisha, Marishechka, Marishka, Marishulya, Marishuska, Marunka, Maryna, Marynochka
Scammer's Location(s):
Moscow (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
My Beloved Net


REPORT N1 (added on July, 28, 2008)
Gavin (Australia)

Usual story young nubile woman falls in love with mature older man.
Cant live without him, kindly pay for me to visit you & live with you. Need money for Visa, Tickets etc.
Interesting no response to any questions, only money talks.

Scam Letters

Emails from Marina to Gavin (Australia)
Hello Gavin! I am glad that you have answered me my message. I feel the lonely woman in this world, and on it I have decided to have acquaintance through the Internet. I do not know that from it it to turn out, in fact I in the first communicate with the man on the Internet. I hope for good friendship and attitudes.

As you already know my name Marina. I was born and I live all the 27 years in the city of Moscow. It is capital of the huge country. It is very big and beautiful city which population is totaled already about 10 million by person. And every day this city becomes all more beautifully and more beautifully. I am glad, that I have an opportunity to live in such city. Please tell to me about the city where do you live? And I very much would wish to see photos of your city. I shall send photos of Moscow in following my letter. This city with the big history, and significant events which have occured as well as in Russia, and in the world. I about it know from the academic years in Moskovsk Pedagogical State University. University in which I studied, to me have much given the information and good formation. By formation I the teacher of history. But I work as the senior tutor in children's to a garden. At university I as have very well studied English language by means of which I now write to you the letter. Write to me please the letter in English. Because I except for Russian and English language, any more do not know any. Tell in what


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Created: 2008-07-28    Last updated: 2008-07-28    Views: 1455