DATING SCAMMER Evgenia Khanova
First name:
Last name:
Evgenia Sheveleva, Anastasia Andreeva, Marina Kubareva, Evgenia Vasileva, Olga Zinchenko, Olga Zincova, Julia Galkoskaya, Ekaterina Kashina
Name aliases:
Anastacia, Anastaseya, Anastasiia, Anastasija, Anastasiy, Anastasiya, Anastasiychik, Anastasiychika, Anastasiyka, Anastasiyok, Anastasiyoka, Anastasiyunya, Anastasiyusha, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyusya, Anastassia, Anastassiya, Anastasya, Anastaysa, Anastesiya, Anasteysha, Asya, Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Ecaterina, Ecateryna, Ekatarina, Ekaterinacka, Ekaterinchika, Ekaterinka, Ekaterinochka, Ekaterinok, Ekaterinoka, Ekaterinulka, Ekaterinusechka, Ekaterinusenka, Ekaterinusha, Ekaterinusik, Ekaterinusya, Ekatrina, Eugenia, Eugenija, Eugenya, Evgeniia, Evgenija, Evgeniya, Evgenusha, Evgenya, Ewgenia, Ewgenija, Ewgeniya, Genya, Gnni, Helga, Hola, Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jenushka, Jenya, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Kat, Katarina, Kate, Katenka, Katerina, Katerinka, Katerinochka, Katerinushka, Kateryna, Kath, Katharine, Katherin, Katherina, Katherine, Katheryn, Kathryn, Kathy, Kati, Katia, Katiya, Katja, Katka, Katlyn, Katrin, Katrina, Katty, Katuha, Katunya, Katusha, Katushechka, Katushka, Katuska, Katy, Katya, Katys, Katysha, Katyulya, Ket, Ketrin, Kettira, Kittie, Kitty, Lelya, Lulia, Mari, Marinchik, Marinchika, Marinika, Marinka, Marin-ka, Marinna, Marinochka, Marinocka, Marinoka, Marinulenka, Marinulka, Marinusechka, Marinusha, Marinushka, Marinusia, Marinuska, Marisha, Marishechka, Marishka, Marishulya, Marishuska, Marunka, Maryna, Marynochka, Nansy, Nasta, Nastasia, Nastasya, Nastechka, Nasteha, Nastena, Nastenka, Nastia, Nastja, Nastka, Nastuha, Nastulya, Nastushka, Nastya, Nastyona, Nastysha, Nastyulya, Nastyusha, Nensy, Ola, Olalasha, Olchik, Olechka, Olechkaanks, Olenka, Oleshka, Oleshka, Olgchik, Olgchika, Olgika, Olgo, Olgoka, Olgulka, Olgulya, Olgunka, Olgusha, Olgushka, Olgushoka, Olgushulenka, Olgusik, Olgusika, Olguska, Olgusya, Olha, Olia, Olika, Olinushka, Oliya, Olja, Olly, Olra, Olshuka, Olsuka, Olunia, Olunka, Olushka, Olusik, Oly, Olyunka, Olyunya, Olyushka, Stasia, Stasya, Stesy, Tusya, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Volha, Yekaterina, Yevgeniya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha, Zhenia, Zhenya
Scammer's Location(s):
Cheboksary (Russia); Donetsk (Ukraine); Kalinin (Russia); Kazan (Russia); Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia); St. Petersburg (Russia); Tomsk (Russia)
Russia, Cheboksary, Prospect Lenina, 22-89
Ukraine, 83000, Donetsk, Mironenko str., 36 flat 12
Russia, 603083, Nizhniy Novgorod, Leskov str., 56, apartment 60
Russia, 603138, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kirova Prospekt, 12
Ukraine, 83000, Donetsk, Mironenko str., 36 flat 12
Russia, 603083, Nizhniy Novgorod, Leskov str., 56, apartment 60
Russia, 603138, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kirova Prospekt, 12
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Date Me Free, Inter Marriage
Fake docs used by scammer:
(added on September, 24, 2008)
Wim (Netherlands)
I think she is a scammer because a lot of things she wrothe are formilier whit warnings from you site.
(added on October, 3, 2008)
Kevin (USA)
She claims to be a gynocoligist out of Kalinin, Russia. I believe she is a scammer by looking the warning signs. She hasnt actually ask for anything yet but she wants to come to the united states and she claims shes going to pay her own way
(added on October, 5, 2008)
Bernd (Germany)
Uupdate about known scammer.
(added on October, 28, 2008)
Sergio (Italy)
Known scammer update.
(added on January, 28, 2009)
Billy (USA)
Please add new information about known scammer.
(added on February, 4, 2009)
Richard (USA)
Never actually scammed me but tried I discovered her scamming ways by emailing her with a differnt alias.....
(added on April, 18, 2018)
Steve (UK)
Yuliya emailed me on April 1st and by April 11th she declared her love for me and wanting to spend the rest of her life with me. I knew that she will ask for money to buy the airplane tickets so I offered to have them prepaid so that she can come to live with me. This is the first time in dealing with scammers which I have been doing for many years she has actually accepted and send me all her details and passport. So I played along asking for a **** selfie so many times that I lost count, she will never send me any. so I said no selfie no tickets, she answered accusing me of being a liar Etc Etc.
She is a professional scammer. Gents be careful she (a he I am sure) is dangerous.
(added on October, 20, 2021)
David (USA)
Katya contacted on October 10 or 11, 2021 and we have been emailing since then, I'm not sure if a man is using her or she is for real and not sure if she is a scammer!
Scam Letters
Emails from Evgenia Khanova to Wim (Netherlands)
Good day my dear Wim. Thank you for your attention to me, Wim. I can not imagine life without me some words that you write to me. I am very happy that you have appeared in my life. It 'really nice that you think of me. I think you soo too much. I read your letters and try to imagine your face to make me a word that you write to me. This sentiment and very interesting. I did not see her man, but I worry and I am excited every time I opened and when I read your new letter. Unfortunately I do not have the chance to re-read your letters now, otherwise I would always very gs very good mood. I have a lot of work today and I have already had time to visit in various boundaries of the city and at work. If you could imagine how strongly I want to talk to you in person. I have a girl of the school, with whom we have so far communicate. His name and Anastasya. He received the diploma psychologist and I really like rummage in my soul with his help. I saw her today, and this morning we talked about you, Wim. I said what I think of you and how I have become strongly attached to you. I have said that with his enthusiasm I read your letters. Anastasya speaks like a miracle, because he understood that you and become really dear to me, even if we all fail to see in any other man. I am very surprised this circumstance the same. Anastasya talks, but that many problems disappear letters that take place at the usual dialogue. In letters can be more romantic and le
Emails from Evgenia Khanova to Bernd (Germany)
Hallo meinen nett Bernd!!! Riesige Danke fuer das Lied und die Gratulation, ist mir sehr angenehm. Es ist schade, dass wir nicht mein den Geburtstag zusammen bezeichnet haben. Gestern ging ich in das touristische Buero und Erfuhr, wie ich zu dir ankommen kann. Und jetzt ich nicht Ich weiss, sich ueber mich oder im Gegenteil zu freuen, zu weinen, doch haben im Buero mir, dass gesagt Koennen mir alle notwendigen Dokumente und die Papiere fuer zwei Wochen aufmachen. Mir, sich zu benoetigen, das Visum, den Auslandspass, die Versicherung, und so aufzumachen Die medizinische Untersuchung zu gehen. Das alles, und ebenso die Karten Auf das Flugzeug bis zu dir und wird 600 euro zurueck bilden. Ist riesig Summe und ich nicht erwartete, was anzukommen zu Dir wird so teuer. Aber im Buero mir sagten, dass es ein gewoehnlicher Preis ist. Meinen Nett Bernd weiss ich nicht, dass mir, zu machen, doch wurdest fuer diese Zeit du sehr Der Wege mir. Du sehr selten Mensch und ich will kennenlernen mit du, doch in Du ich hat gefunden sein verwandt Mensch und jetzt ich jed Tag denke ueber Dir. Ich will nicht dich verlieren und sich mit dir treffen, doch bin ich, dass ueberzeugt Unsere wird mit dir das Treffen den Anfang von unserem mit dir den neuen Beziehungen legen. Wir Wir leben mit dir in verschiedenen Laendern, hinter viel Kilometern voneinander und es Hat uns nicht gestoert, sich kennenzulernen und zu umgehen, aber ich denke, dass sogar 10000 Briefe Werden uns mit
Emails from Evgenia Khanova to Sergio (Italy)
Ciao caro amico Sergio, questo e Zhenya. Il mio nome completo - Evgeniya! Ma tutti i miei amici mi chiamano - Zhenya! Io sono dalla Russi Scusa, che non ** potuto rispondere a voi in una sola volta. Io sono un po ''sorpreso, che avete risposto a me. E ''sorprendente per la realizzazione di opportunita di Internet, e sorprendente, che posso comunicare con la persona che vive con gli altri continenti. I per la prima volta utilizzare Internet come mezzo di conoscenza per le persone ed e molto piacevole per me che avete risposto il mio messaggio. Permettetemi di dire un po ''su di me, la verita non so da cosa cominciare, perche ** molto da raccontare, ma penso che mi dicono su di me gradualmente ad essere per voi interessanti. ** 28 anni e tutti i miei consapevole attivita e stata indirizzata a divenire di me come indipendente finanziariamente sicuro persona, quindi a tutti i non ha avuto tempo per la ricerca della persona in cui ** potuto innamorare di lui e diventare la buona meta. ** un buon lavoro che mi piace, ma fino ad ora sono single. Ma il tempo non restare su un posto e mi pare di capire,
che il mio tempo e venuto a trovare il mio amato l''uomo. Io sono molto gravi nella rilevazione mio amato, pertanto vorrei chiedere alcune domande su cui Desidero ricevere le vostre risposte. Vuoi trovare il tuo seconda meta o se si semplice piace avere amici in Internet? Che cosa pensa che io di vivere in Russia? Sei pronto a sincero e fiducioso relaz
Emails from Evgenia Khanova to Richard (USA)
Hello my little star Rob,You even can't imagine how glad I was when I received your letter. I really missed you a lot yesterday, but didn't manage to write..... But today I stayed in the city and I know that you didn't expect my letter, but .. here I am!!! Missed you and write you, can't wait till tomorrow)))))
Honey, I get your letters from both yahoo and gmail. Use whatever you wish all your letters are precious for me... You want me to send the photos of my city and home - I can send you one today, it was made this autumn. I will look for some new.
You know, it's a bit cold here, and it's snowing. It looks like a winter fairy tale outside.
Such weather reminds me of my childhood, when my Mom and my Dad used to walk with me in a small forest, not very far from our home.
So we've lived through another working week… Are you glad? As for me I really am! One week is a step forward to the New Year, to the shine and to the balloons, petards, bubbling champagne and tolling of the clock, salads and different fireworks, also New Year's TV programs…… And we've become closer with you this year, haven't we? We managed to find each other from 6 billion of people and that's why we are lucky this year! It's a pity that we won't celebrate the coming year together… So, I'm alone and my cousin invited me so I decided to stay at my cousin. I've not see her from my summer holidays and she visited my parents , they will arrive and we all together gather in
Emails from Evgenia Khanova to Kevin (USA)
Hi my Kevin!I waited for your letter with fear and with pleasure at the same time!
And I am very happy to receive your letter! I am ready to jump and dance, laugh and sing songs! And the reason - you Kevin! Thank you for your letter and your thoughts.
I am so happy that we will meet. Now I have the ocean of emotions and I at all do not know what to say. I am worried very much. I very much hope that we can
perfectly spend time together. I only am afraid, that if we will meet, I will asks so many questions and to chatter unceasingly, that you soon will escape
from me.
I get my vacation once a year. My vacation will begin approximately about October, 14. At this time I can arrive to you. But unfortunately the schedule of my vacation is not flexible. Therefore I hope you will be glad to meet me at this time. If you have not enough time, I will be happy all the same.
I will be happy in any case. It is better to wait when you will come from work, than to sit in my apartment and to know that nobody will come!!!
Duration of my vacation is 24 workdays. But quantity of days which I can spent with you depends on when I will get my vacation and when I will order the ticket. How many days you want to be with me?
I have submitted the visa application. It will take about one or two week I think.
Complexity of approval of the visa will be reduced to a minimum as I will have petitions and characteristics from a work place, from respected organization
Emails from Evgenia Khanova to Steve (UK)
Hey there from a Russian woman Yuliya Ia?™m from Russia, Ia?™m 32, I have a a wish to build rapports that's why I have the Internet and I write you, If you are not married and in case3 you are open for new rapports, if you find cool like my image, Please do not not hesitate to type me, I already wait with desire, I will try to describe you more about me, and send you more pics, so please type me there ok? You know I am without rapports but I so much want to meet good and right man and try to win his heart, it is my big dream, I wish you will let me know more about you. Have a good day, Yulunka!
Hi my dear friend Sebastian. I waited this minute to answer you with impatience. I am very glad my letter was pleasant to you.
I belive in love at first sight. But it's not a love as everyone think. It is such strange feeling... You feel that this person is pleasant to you also you want to communicate with him or her. Just you only think that it's love. Happens more often, that you or this person will be disappointed...
We call pies «Pirogi» (big pies) and «Pirozhki» (small pies).
Sebastian, today I was late for work. My alarm clock has broken. But my boss did not saw my delay. Till this time he has not come. I always rise early in the morning. The rhythm of my life in which I live, forces me to be the morning person. My alarm clock does not ask me what is my nature. I always rise early, and I go to bed not so lat
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2008-09-24 Last updated: 2021-10-20 Views: 2152