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Dating scammer Tatyana Ivanova
First name: Tatyana
Last name: Ivanova
Age: 27
Nadezhda Skripnik, Anna Babanakova, Lisi, Olga, Gulnara Galieva, Ekaterina Rozhentsova, Natalia
Nadezhda Skripnik, Anna Babanakova, Lisi, Olga, Gulnara Galieva, Ekaterina Rozhentsova, Natalia
Name aliases:
Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Anetta, Ania, Anika, Aniuta, Aniya, Anja, Anka, Ann, Annah, Annchik, Anne, Annet, Anneta, Annetka, Annia, Annie, Annija, Annika, Annochka, Annulenka, Annulka, Annulya, Annusha, Annushka, Annusika, Annuta, Annutusha, Anny, Annya, Annyshka, Anushka, Anuta, Anutik, Anutka, Anuytachka, Anya, Anyka, Anyta, Anyunya, Anyuta, Anyutka, Anyutochka, Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Ecaterina, Ecateryna, Ekatarina, Ekaterinacka, Ekaterinchika, Ekaterinka, Ekaterinochka, Ekaterinok, Ekaterinoka, Ekaterinulka, Ekaterinusechka, Ekaterinusenka, Ekaterinusha, Ekaterinusik, Ekaterinusya, Ekatrina, Gula, Gulja, Gulya, Hanechka, Hanna, Hannushka, Hanny, Hanuta, Hanutik, Hanutka, Helga, Hola, Kat, Katarina, Kate, Katenka, Katerina, Katerinka, Katerinochka, Katerinushka, Kateryna, Kath, Katharine, Katherin, Katherina, Katherine, Katheryn, Kathryn, Kathy, Kati, Katia, Katiya, Katja, Katka, Katlyn, Katrin, Katrina, Katty, Katuha, Katunya, Katusha, Katushechka, Katushka, Katuska, Katy, Katya, Katys, Katysha, Katyulya, Ket, Ketrin, Kettira, Khanka, Kittie, Kitty, Lelya, Nada, Nadechka, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadezhdchika, Nadezhdoka, Nadezhdushka, Nadezhdushoka, Nadia, Nadiia, Nadiya, Nadka, Naduha, Nadusha, Nadushok, Nady, Nadya, Nat, Nata, Natalchika, Natalechka, Natali, Natalichka, Natalie, Natalii, Nataliia, Nataliuka, Nataliulka, Nataliulya, Nataliusenka, Nataliusha, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalochka, Nataloka, Natalushka, Nataly, Natalya, Natalyja, Natalyok, Natalyuhoka, Natalyulenka, Natalyushka, Natalyy, Natasha, Natashechka, Natashenka, Natashik, Natashka, Nathalia, Nathalie, Natika, Natka, Natty, Natulenka, Natusha, Natushka, Natushok, Natusia, Natusik, Natuska, Natusy, Natusya, Naty, Nusha, Nusha, Nutalchika, Nutulenka, Nyusha, Ola, Olalasha, Olchik, Olechka, Olechkaanks, Olenka, Oleshka, Oleshka, Olgchik, Olgchika, Olgika, Olgo, Olgoka, Olgulka, Olgulya, Olgunka, Olgusha, Olgushka, Olgushoka, Olgushulenka, Olgusik, Olgusika, Olguska, Olgusya, Olha, Olia, Olika, Olinushka, Oliya, Olja, Olly, Olra, Olshuka, Olsuka, Olunia, Olunka, Olushka, Olusik, Oly, Olyunka, Olyunya, Olyushka, Tanechka, Tani, Tanichka, Tanily, Tanilya, Tanni, Tantana, Tanulechka, Tanulenka, Tanulya, Tanusha, Tanushka, Tanuska, Tanusoka, Tanya, Tanyoka, Tanyuha, Tanyulka, Tanyusechka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka, Tasha, Tatana, Tati, Tatiana, Tatianok, Tatianulka, Tatik, Tatiyana, Tatsiana, Tatty, Taty, Tatyanchik, Tatyanka, Tatyanoka, Tatyanulenka, Tatyanulya, Tatyanusenka, Tatyanushka, Tatyanushoka, Tatyanusika, Tatyanuska, Tatyanusya, Taya, Tenia, Teti, Tetiana, Tetianok, Tetyana, Tinka, Titanya, Tonya, Tusya, Volha, Yekaterina
Scammer's Location(s):
Bratsk (Russia); Druzhkovka (Ukraine); Kazan (Russia); Moscow (Russia); St. Petersburg (Russia)
Russia, 117623, Moscow, Pushkina str., 25/10
Ukraine, Druzhkovka, Pushkinskaya str., 50-26
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Anthea Club, Be 2, Brides Agency, Date Me Free, My Beloved Net


REPORT N1 (added on December, 5, 2008)
Billy (USA)

She was busy falling in love with me and hoping to arrive in the USA at my expense. After I insisted tht I wanted to visit her in Russia, she disappeared.
REPORT N2 (added on January, 14, 2009)
Patrice (Belgium)

Scammers qui demande 640 euros pour billets avion.
REPORT N3 (added on May, 22, 2009)
Patrice (Belgium)

Scammers qui dEj? pris contact avec moi en dEcembre 2008/janvier 2009 et, maintenant me contacte avec un autre nom pour obtenir 400 dollars pour visa + passeport.
REPORT N4 (added on May, 22, 2009)
Mike (USA)

Exchanged a few emails, then she proclaimed her eternal love etc. Said wanted to meet, but needed some money to get her international passport. I sent her an email from another account sending friend's pics, she replied to that, same story sort of there too. Whilst always said to me was only chatting with me. Didnt get any money.
REPORT N5 (added on September, 4, 2009)
Gavin (Australia)

Wierd. wrote a couple of leters to me, then disappeared for a few weeks.
Received a new letter from the gmx address saying that she was in love with me. I responded have not heard from her for 2 weeks now. I have tried everything to locate her as a scammer & have only found one reference of a search of to her original email address but no pertinent details.
REPORT N6 (added on March, 4, 2010)
Greg (Poland)

She writes to me about the pseudonym Olga.

Scam Letters

Emails from Tatyana Ivanova to Patrice (Belgium)
Hi Patrice. I am happy to receive the letter from you. I congratulateyou on Christmas! I wish you happy Christmas this year. I could notcongratulate you yesterday because the Internet cafe has been closed.My dear, I hope you well celebrated Christmas. Please tell to me thatyou did? It is very interesting to me to know it. You probably knowthat in Russia celebrate Christmas on January, 7th. It undoubtedlybiggest both light holiday and all people with impatience wait forthis holiday. I hope that we will celebrate following Christmastogether. I hope all well with you. What did you do today? With mealso everything is all right. At me remarkable mood. After I have readyour letter my mood became even better. I would like to tell to youabout the parents. As I already spoke earlier they live in SaintPetersburg. But nevertheless sometimes I visit them and we well wastetime together. A name of my mum Svetlana. to her of 68 years old. Aname of my father Sergei. to him 71 years old. They pensioners andanywhere do not work. I want to tell that they the best parents. Ithink that they have brought up the good girl and can be proud of me.I really love them and even imagine not can that will if them does notbegin. But I do not want to think of it. I have no brothers sisters, Ithe only child in family. But I always would like that I had sister orthe brother. When I go to the parents that my mum prepares for acelebratory supper. It really a holiday when I arrive to

Emails from Tatyana Ivanova to Patrice (Belgium)
Hi, dear Patrice!

I am happy to get acquainted with you. Let me tell you about myself.
I live in Ukraine in Druzhkovka town,and i work as accountant.
I am seriously looking for someone to share my life with.. I will do everything I can make him and our family happy. That is what I want .
I am understanding, generous, communicative, adventurous, sensual. I can make a man feel special and can take care of his passions and needs. I have traditional values and consider myself a good role model. I enjoy listening to most music.
I like travelling, playing billiards. Most of all I appreciate in men intelligence , honesty, kindness and faith. It is the most important thing to have a person to whom you can come in any case and share with your happiness , troubles, joy and insults.
Patrice,i will give you some questions:
1.What do you think about love?Do you believe in true love?
I want to find someone with whom,for instance, I could stay with him quietly, being in his arms, we'd be listening to some music and looking outside towards the horizon and the sea, and just feel as if we were truly together and truly complemented each other... as if hour hearts were one. That's something that perhaps has been missing so far, i think that life is not meant to be lived alone, and very few people are lucky to find that person that makes them just give themselves completely to each other, to find a real love .I would like to write about love and my opinions

Emails from Tatyana Ivanova to Mike (USA)
I agree to arrive to you and to mee you,but i will live with you or not i to us needs to be solved at a meeting. I am right? So on the internet such questions do not dare. I do not want that you one bought to me the ticket. I can buy the ticket it self,the only thing about what i can add ask-it to me some sum on the ticket which doec not suffice me. And still,i after all can trust you?


I have a visa, i can arrive,but i now do not have money for the ticket.

The ticket to you will cost 850$. To send me money through translation system Western Union which operates both at you and at us. You need only my name,a surname and a patronymic,i can send you them it the letter. The copy of my passport is not necessary to you. But if you are afraid of something i can a residence permit place. I all it very well know my girlfriend the director of bank,and she knows as money is remitted and that for this purpose is passport and a copy of the visa to you! To draw out money which you will send on the ticket to me you are necessary from you full a surname,a name,a patronymic,the detailed address,an index,and a code which you will appoint during sending of money. If you send tomorrow money tomorrow i will buy the ticket. You should promise that will meet me,to give the phone number to buy the ticket. My visa operates month. From Bratsk i will need to reach Irkutsk by the bus. In Irkutsk i will

Emails from Tatyana Ivanova to Gavin (Australia)

I am pleased to get the letter from You. I to want to hear You more and I hope that find the good friend. My name is a Lisi to me 29 years. I much want to find the good friend hope, the satellite during life You understand me and we can correspond with you? I should like to report small about itself, this for me for the first time I never got acquainted through Internet but I think do the exception for itself. I have finished university, I doctor (the surgeon medicine) work in clinic of 5 years. I much love the nature. I live one in house in which there is 4 rooms, I have a small dog by name Bim. I have much friends. I much love to spend its free time with them. I very pleased that I have a good friends... I think that friends very important for each person. write me little about itself as You, conduct its free time that You love. I wait anxiously your answer.

Your friend Lisi.

Hello !

You have written the letter to me, it is very pleasant. Thanks, that you have found, that minute has answered me. Sincerely conversation I Could not hope for it. I do not know what to tell in my first letter because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It - something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters to you. I assume, that you will be capable to understand mine Words also that I shall tell to you. I think, that will be correct if I start to speak you about mine all over again be

Emails from Tatyana Ivanova to Greg (Poland)
You are here???
I looked your profile on dating site be2!!!
and would like to get acquainted with you
I would like if you will written to me on my mail: olgasnegypka@yahoo.com
I beautiful, young and the lonely woman.I am 28 years old and search the partner in life.
Maybe it you????:))))))))
I send you a photo and I hope to receive your photo.
Write to me if you want еще begun correspondense with
I will wait your response,

Hello Greg!
Your letter big surprise today. I am very glad, that you have answered me!
I am happy will get acquainted with you and I hope that our correspondence will be the beginning of our friendship. Write letters through the Internet new to me and it seems very interestingly!
My name is Olga. To Me 28 years old. I was born on March, 5th, 1981.I am beautiful blonde.))) I hope you like blondes?
I have put my photo for you and I hope that it is pleasant to you. I would like to see your new photos too. If you have them, please send me. I shall be very glad! I hope, that a difference in the age between us not a problem for you? I do not know why, but men of your age were always more interesting to me.
I am from Russia, St-Petersburg. I was born in small city Kolpino. I live and work in St-Petersburg already more than 6 years, therefore I can tell, that I have got used to a rhythm of the big city, but sometimes it tires.
I live one in a small


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Created: 2009-01-14    Last updated: 2021-12-30    Views: 2121