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Dating scammer Irina Grankova
First name: Irina
Last name: Grankova
Age: 26
Name aliases:
Ira, Irchik, Irchika, Irchona, Irchonka, Irchushka, Irena, Irene, Irinchik, Irinchika, Irinka, Irinochka, Irinulya, Irinusenka, Irinusha, Irinushusenka, Irinuska, Irisha, Irishik, Irishka, Irka, Irocha, Irochka, Iroschka, Irunya, Irushka, Irusichka, Irusik, Irusya, Irwinka, Iryna, Iryush, Trishka, Yryna
Scammer's Location(s):
Evpatoria (Russia); Stakhanov (Ukraine)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Live Date Search, Live Match Search, RBrides


REPORT N1 (added on January, 14, 2009)
Gavin (Australia)

The usual approach of quickly falling in love, this time the sting is that she can't read/write English and uses a translator. Builds up with a **** email of waht she wants to do to you, only to be continued in the next email.
The next email is from the translation company asking that you pay for their services as your true love has no money.
REPORT N2 (added on June, 2, 2009)
Alejandro (Italy)

I found this girl in rBrides and she send me two letters.
She doesn't ask me money yet.
REPORT N3 (added on June, 2, 2009)
Fergus (Ireland)

I got three letters her. Irina is not a scam. She send me very impressive photos. But she never ask me for money but it is her translation company ask me for money.Irina could not write in English so her translator wants the money for tranlation from Ukrainian into English. I felt it is not Irina Grankova fault. You must tell Ukrainian translators to stop asking men for money. I am not allowed to translation into Ukraine by the translator. This is very wrong because it is not fair for Ukrainian girls.

Scam Letters

Emails from Irina Grankova to Alejandro (Italy)
Hi Dear Alejandro,

It will be a day to remember if events follow that unite the spirit and the soul and become one. A life time of searching for that special individual that is just right for you and makes you complete. Some say it only happens in novels but I believe that true happiness is fate and when a chance meeting makes your heart beat faster then I believe that you have found a union that is worth nurturing and exploring to make it unique and everlasting... We all have flaws but with understanding and love we can overcome many hurdles and learn to love each other even more. I have an abundant of love to share and give to you. Will you be sincere and kind and prepared to receive all that I have to give to you? My love is genuine and warm and I will do all in my power to please you provided you can be patient with me until I have learned how to please you. To give is to receive, for it is in giving that we truly express all our emotions and desires so that we can become better people.

Beauty is all around us. I believe that the most beautiful thing is life is the heart, because it is the one thing that makes us who we really are. The body and the mind can be beautiful but with a sad heart these things cannot work collectively to make a unique loving and happy individual. I am drawn to you, it is fate or a cosmic force; it is strong and yet loving, calling us to together to share in life’s mystery and explore the possibility of eternal

Emails from Irina Grankova to Fergus (Ireland)
"Language Link" professional translating company
Don't be lost in Translation!

Dear Sir Fergus,

It is with our regret we want to inform you that unfortunately your letter can not be translated because Miss Irina Grankova that used our service has no funds in her account. She has visited our company this morning and we informed her that we can not translate your letter. Miss Grankova has informed us of the serious intentions with you that has developed and she and wishes it to continue. At the moment she is she can not afford to pay for our service to continue correspondence with you. She is waiting that you could assist her in this difficult and desperate situation. Miss Irina has informed us that she will visit our company tomorrow with the hope that you could help her.

Sir Fergus, if you wish to continue your correspondence with Miss Grankova and are able to assist her with the payment of our services, we will be very pleased to provide you with any information that you wish. We are always glad to help you. We encourage our clients for their suggestions and cooperation that will be mutually beneficial.
Thank you for using our service.

Best regards
Director of "Language Link"
Tatyana Vasilevskaya.


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Created: 2009-01-14    Last updated: 2015-11-02    Views: 1580