First name:
Last name:
Name aliases:
Alenka, Elanka, Eleena, Elen, Elenka, Elenochka, Elenushok, Elenushoka, Elenushulenka, Eli, Ellena, Ellene, Elona, Helen, Helena, Helenachka, Jelena, Lena, Lenaa, Lenchik, Lenka, Lennochka, Lennok, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenusha, Lenushulenka, Lenusia, Lenusial, Lenusik, Lenusikka, Lenusya, Lienkchik, Lleena, Olena, Olena, Yelena
Scammer's Location(s):
Yoshkar-Ola (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Paolo (Italy)
This girl is a scammer.
Scam Letters
Emails from Elena Efimova to Paolo (Italy)
hi my love!!! How your affairs?I have received your letter and I am very glad. I am glad that you receive my letters.
At me all is wonderful. Today day has passed well, only I missed very much on you.
Too it is a pity to me that the world such big and what we live so far apart, but it seems to me that the present love somehow is capable to reduce distance, you did not reflect on it? I too thought of our meeting. I wanted to ask you meetings. It is good, as I have understood you, I need to make the visa and the international passport.
I can make it in travel agency. But to make the visa and the passport to be necessary not few money and not not enough time. To be necessary approximately 10 days and approximately about 1000 $. The international passport will cost 350 $ and the visa 550 $.
I can make this all faster, but I unfortunately do not have money. You may help me? I shall be very glad to our meeting. I always dreamed to meet the man from other country. I would like to speak with you, but unfortunately I do not have phone. I can call you itself. I will need to go in a telephone exchange and to dial your number. You may send your phone number on which I can call to you? If you write to me your phone number, I necessarily shall call you. Please think of our meeting, I very much want to meet you. Please, help me, I shall be very glad. Write to me. I shall answer your letters. OK!!!
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Created: 2004-08-24 Last updated: 2006-09-21 Views: 1960