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Dating scammer Snezhana Zhuravleva

DATING SCAMMER Snezhana Zhuravleva

First name: Snezhana
Last name: Zhuravleva
Age: 28
Marina Tupitsina
Marina Tupitsina
Name aliases:
Mari, Marinchik, Marinchika, Marinika, Marinka, Marin-ka, Marinna, Marinochka, Marinocka, Marinoka, Marinulenka, Marinulka, Marinusechka, Marinusha, Marinushka, Marinusia, Marinuska, Marisha, Marishechka, Marishka, Marishulya, Marishuska, Marunka, Maryna, Marynochka, Snegah, Snejana, Snejanna, Snezana, Snezhanna
Scammer's Location(s):
Saratov (Russia)
Sovetskaya str., 43-14, Saratov, Russia
E-mail address(es):


Dave (USA)

Contacted me from website and said she wanted to know me better, Talked for a bit, told me she wanted to visit and it would be easier for her to visit than me. Asked for me to help with tickets, passport, and visa. No money sent, knew about the site already, didn't use the phrase portion of letters though. Glad I caught on! Think she is using same letters with different photos or is someone else using Marina's letters?

Scam Letters

Emails from Snezhana Zhuravleva to Dave (USA)
Hi my favorite friend Dave.
Yes, I really name you favorite because I like to communicate with you and to tell to you about the life.
Thank for your beautiful photo, you are very nice male…
You are very pleasant for me that the good pen-pal and simply the friend. You know sometimes to me it would be desirable even to appear near to you and to take your hands and to look in your eyes. Your letters are very pleasant for me. Today my mum have Birthday and I have left work earlier and have asked to remain the girlfriend for me at work. Mum has invited several familiar. We drink tea and ate an apple pie. It is 62 years old to my mom today. It was slightly a pity to me of her because she has lived the big life and now she is alone because daddy has died. She lived without his caress and love. But she looks at life simply and does not long for it. Though sometimes it happens so she simply cries.
And how you celebrate holidays and what? How frequently?
Here are pic of my parents...
It was made about 3 years ago when my father was live. Hope you would interesting to you to see such pic.

Hi my favorite friend Dave.
It is very pleasant to me to receive your pics…
You know when I read your letters my heart begin to beat fastly and more strongly. It feels heat and tenderness. You know I never tested anything similar and sometimes begin to think that I fall in love with you.
I did not tell to you in the last letter that I yester


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Created: 2004-09-30    Last updated: 2006-09-20    Views: 1576