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Dating scammer Beatrice Aponeayeg

DATING SCAMMER Beatrice Aponeayeg

First name: Beatrice
Last name: Aponeayeg
Age: 32
Beatrice Apomeage, Belinda Anobea
Beatrice Apomeage, Belinda Anobea
Name aliases:
Beatice, Berlinda
Scammer's Location(s):
Accra (Ghana); Tema (Ghana)
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on June, 16, 2009)
Vince (USA)

I talk the this woman for all most a year she did not ask for much you no 60usd then 100.00 an we talk of here comeing to mempfis an here it goes she need 2,500,00 for plane an she say she has pasport an need visa 150,00 so i have spent over 1,6000 an she say see got hit by a motor bike an lost the money and ask for more, hmm
REPORT N2 (added on September, 7, 2009)
Vincent (USA)

Ok with the help of here unlce she got me agian this time for 400.00 dollar more she say she was still come to memphis tn an she still had the money i sent be foe 1600.00 an needit 400.00 here unlce was going to help with fare by the way his name victor an i beleave he is the same as a pimip there cuz i no she has been to usa i talk to her here in usa.


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Created: 2009-06-16    Last updated: 2022-07-06    Views: 1651