First name:
Last name:
Name aliases:
Beca, Becca, Becka, Becky, Rebacca, Rebbca, Rebbeca, Rebbecca, Rebeca
Scammer's Location(s):
Manila (Philippines)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Asian Euro
(added on September, 3, 2009)
Perry (New Zealand)
I met Rebecca Obias on the Asian Euro website. When I first met her she seemed very friendly but made a point of telling me that she was not a ******. I thought that was a bit weird.
We continued our interaction via web cam most night's at a specific time for a few months. The thought crossed my mind that she might be a scammer and have a few other people organized for some web cam action at different times that don't overlap. During this period of time she told me that I was "guapo" that she "loved me" wanted to "marry me" "**** me" "**** my mug" and come and live with me in my country.
After a while some of our webcam sessions included her getting ***** in front of the webcam and having a shower, playing with herself on camera etc. She made a point of telling that she shaved her ***** and then showed me herself ************, squeezing her ******* etc.
When she agreed that we would get married and she would come to my country to live with me I set in motion the necessary procedures to make this happen.
It was then that she started asking me for money. Firstly to pay the rent on her apartment and then for other things. She was very convincing, I've had other lowlifes try to scam me in the past but this time I thought she was genuine. After I sent her the last lot of money I made it clear that I wouldn't send her any more. After I delivered this statement she disappeared and I never heard from her again. It was only a fluke that I logged into another website and saw her there with another man, some Dutch guy that she seems to have married and is living with in Holland.
Thanks very much!
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Created: 2009-09-03 Last updated: 2009-09-03 Views: 1596