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Dating scammer Irina Vinogradova
First name: Irina
Last name: Vinogradova
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Ira, Irchik, Irchika, Irchona, Irchonka, Irchushka, Irena, Irene, Irinchik, Irinchika, Irinka, Irinochka, Irinulya, Irinusenka, Irinusha, Irinushusenka, Irinuska, Irisha, Irishik, Irishka, Irka, Irocha, Irochka, Iroschka, Irunya, Irushka, Irusichka, Irusik, Irusya, Irwinka, Iryna, Iryush, Trishka, Yryna
Scammer's Location(s):
Novocheboksarsk (Russia)
Russia, Novocheboksarsk, Vinokurova str., 10-54
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Russian Euro


REPORT N1 (added on September, 4, 2009)
Luis (Portugal)

Falls in love very quickly and wants marriage in less than a month. Cought her similar emails (word by word) in an email's friend.
Doesn't reply to your questions, her emails are liked to be pre-written.
Asked about 1000 Euro to arrange passport and by ticket to come and visit me.


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Created: 2009-09-04    Last updated: 2009-09-04    Views: 1649