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Dating scammer Inga Prasetya
First name: Inga
Last name: Prasetya
Age: 21
Farida Rahim
Farida Rahim
Name aliases:
Scammer's Location(s):
Jakarta (Indonesia)
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on September, 15, 2010)
Maria (USA)

This woman is with Arry Widya Wayhuni togeterh they claim to be sister. I will paste all their letters soon if if i need to as the proof. She said arry died on 2007 feb but left and atm with her that she can collect money via Moneygram.But i called moneygram that they don't used atm in indonesia. Twice or thrice my fool husband send WU in that name and its obvious that this woman is alive since she claim the money!!! So the death certificate is fake itself..they are lies! And now keep bothering my husband asking money coz she need to move no money to pay rent have have adopted sons etc.. I hope the authority will catch them.


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Created: 2010-09-15    Last updated: 2010-09-15    Views: 1536