DATING SCAMMER Irina Rumyantseva
First name:
Last name:
Name aliases:
Ira, Irchik, Irchika, Irchona, Irchonka, Irchushka, Irena, Irene, Irinchik, Irinchika, Irinka, Irinochka, Irinulya, Irinusenka, Irinusha, Irinushusenka, Irinuska, Irisha, Irishik, Irishka, Irka, Irocha, Irochka, Iroschka, Irunya, Irushka, Irusichka, Irusik, Irusya, Irwinka, Iryna, Iryush, Trishka, Yryna
Scammer's Location(s):
Shimshurga (Russia)
Russia, Shimshurga, Shkolnaya str., house 7 apartment 3
E-mail address(es):
(added on January, 25, 2011)
Norbert (Germany)
This loveley girl is making a good scammer job! she is falling in love after 3 weeks and tell you, she were independant girl and will come to you! she takes a lown with help of her parents to come to you... but suddenly it is all so expensive! the loan do not reach and you have to pay the additional costs... typical scam from the "Cheboksary mafia"!
All contacts from Mari Ei republec near Cheboksary are romance scams! be careful!
Scam Letters
Emails from Irina Rumyantseva to Norbert (Germany)
Norbert, thanks for that that you have answered my letter!My name Irina. Before ours with you acquaintance, I Wish to tell to you at once about the intentions. I search only serious relations!!! If at you other plans for it. I think, that to us not on a way. And then I need to wish only to your of good luck in search of that that you search!!! Norbert, I communicated with many men on the Internet. But the majority of them wanted or ***** photos, or suggested to become their mistress!!!! And some wanted too many from me! I have got tired of such acquaintances. I wish to find the unique man. I hope, that you are serious also you understand me. Norbert if your intentions disinterested, and we are similar in search, write to me!
I will wait Irina
I see your letter, and it means that we search for one and too. Norbert as I already spoke you my name Irina I not married and I have no children. I live in city Shimshurga. I the cheerful and sociable girl. I like to achieve objects in view. In other on what, I also have spent the most part of my life. I have loyal friends, it is a lot of colleagues. I always in the attention centre as I work with children. But so that has turned out in a life that I have not met till now the love. I very much wish to love and be favourite. On it I here! Norbert, I would like to know why you here? What reasons at you? You are lonely? I am very glad that you have a daughter. Very much it is
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2011-01-25 Last updated: 2011-01-25 Views: 1550