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Dating scammer Lubov Shkharuppa
First name: Lubov
Last name: Shkharuppa
Age: 26
Maria Shkharuppa
Maria Shkharuppa
Name aliases:
Liubov, Ljuba, Ljubasha, Ljubov, Loubov, Luba, Lubasha, Lubashka, Lubavochka, Lubow, Lyba, Lybavushka, Lybawa, Lyuba, Lyubasha, Lyubka, Lyubochka, Lyubov, Lyubovinka, Lyubovochka, Lyubow, Lyubushka, Macha, Maha, Maniasha, Manishka, Mari, Mariah, Marichika, Mariia, Marija, Marishka, Mariusya, Mariya, Mariyah, Mariychik, Mariychika, Mariyka, Mariyoka, Mariyulka, Mariyulya, Mariyushenka, Mariyushka, Mariyushoka, Mariyuska, Mariyusya, Marry, Maru, Marusechka, Marusia, Maruska, Mary, Marya, Maryia, Masha, Mashenka, Mashka, Mashoka, Mashshunya, Mashuk, Mashulechka, Mashulecka, Mashulenka, Mashulia, Mashulka, Mashulunya, Mashulya, Mashunya, Mashushka, Mashuska, Mrusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Arkhangelsk (Russia)
Russia, 163000, Archangelsk, Gagarin str., 17, apartment 8
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on September, 23, 2011)
Peter (Australia)

I think she is very new at this as She answer e-mail directly as other scammers do not answer direct Question.
I have about 30 Photo from her & well some are very Hot & ****. Taken by her X female lover.
So she could be the couch for all this.
So just play it safe.
Sounds like a good Kid. But then again they all do.
REPORT N2 (added on October, 6, 2011)
Ed (Canada)

Her letters word for word the same as the ones she wrote to the other fellow who reported her.


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Created: 2011-09-23    Last updated: 2014-10-06    Views: 1516