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Dating scammer Nadezhda Tulkacheva

DATING SCAMMER Nadezhda Tulkacheva

First name: Nadezhda
Last name: Tulkacheva
Age: 28
Nadezhda Tullacheva, Natalia Tulkacheva
Nadezhda Tullacheva, Natalia Tulkacheva
Name aliases:
Nada, Nadechka, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadezhdchika, Nadezhdoka, Nadezhdushka, Nadezhdushoka, Nadia, Nadiia, Nadiya, Nadka, Naduha, Nadusha, Nadushok, Nady, Nadya, Nat, Nata, Natalchika, Natalechka, Natali, Natalichka, Natalie, Natalii, Nataliia, Nataliuka, Nataliulka, Nataliulya, Nataliusenka, Nataliusha, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalochka, Nataloka, Natalushka, Nataly, Natalya, Natalyja, Natalyok, Natalyuhoka, Natalyulenka, Natalyushka, Natalyy, Natasha, Natashechka, Natashenka, Natashik, Natashka, Nathalia, Nathalie, Natika, Natka, Natty, Natulenka, Natusha, Natushka, Natushok, Natusia, Natusik, Natuska, Natusy, Natusya, Naty, Nutalchika, Nutulenka, Tusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Kozlovka (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Russian Cupid, Ukraine Date


REPORT N1 (added on October, 21, 2013)
David (UK)

Started off friendly told me all about herself her parents died when she was young, she started emailing everyday after about 4 or 5 days she loved me wanted children with me really funny especially when i had never sent her a photo or any pictures, then came the money first it was to help pay her rent as her job as a dentist does not pay much, then could i pay half her ticket and she would visit me as this was easier than me visiting her, next came $70 per day for her visit or visa would be refused then the best could i give her over $5000 to pay of her flat, she uses several other names and pictures.

Scam Letters

Emails from Nadezhda Tulkacheva to David (UK)
Hi my dear David. It is very difficult to me to tell to you it but it is necessary.... I have some problems which we should solve with you. I was on interview in embassy. In the beginning all was good. To me set questions with which I has coped. I was happy, because I knew, that we soon will with you together in UK! But here there was an unpredictable...... I could not think of it in a head at all. Now I will write to you about it..... To me have told in embassy to bring one more document, a bank statement for proof of presence of financial means, from calculation 70 dollars a day. Only after that I can receive the visa. To me have informed that each tourist should have extra money. As my arrival for a period of 21 days I should have that 1470 dollars. To me have explained, that I should have necessarily this money will be necessary to me somehow to live, not to become the ***** or worst of all, the **********. Also at entrance to your country, on request of people of boundary service, from me can demand this document. In case of absence of such document in entrance to UK it will be given up. understand me correctly my lovely David I will not spend this money. As soon as at me will be this amount I will be able to provide information about the availability of these means to the embassy and get a visa. And already then I will sit down aboard the plane which flies to you. And when we will be already together I will give you all this money and you w


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Created: 2013-10-21    Last updated: 2018-01-11    Views: 1520