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Dating scammer Regina Zalyan
First name: Regina
Last name: Zalyan
Age: 26
Name aliases:
Regine, Reginna, Rigina
Scammer's Location(s):
Gilazi-Khizi (Azerbaijan)
Azerbaijan, AZ8011, Gilazi-Khizi 34
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on October, 28, 2013)
Steve (USA)

She contacted me on 8-16-13, as a way to get to know me, was from her email address. She says she got my email from some dating site. Initial request for money came several weeks later, needing $1628 for visa and tickets, took about 6 weeks for her to ask. She was telling me she loved me within 4 weeks though. I have not sent anything yet, I have had 3 different names and places to send the money to, the 1st was in the Netherlands, and the last 2 in Russia. Story is not over yet, waiting to see outcome of this report.


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Created: 2013-10-28    Last updated: 2013-10-28    Views: 1548