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Dating scammer Alina
First name: Alina
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Aalina, Alinka, Alinochka, Allina, Alya, Alyna, Alynka
Scammer's Location(s):
Donetsk (Ukraine)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Hot Russian Brides


REPORT N1 (added on December, 2, 2013)
Christian (Denmark)

Ghost writer. Her Profile name is the same as emails in Hot Russian Brides.
Her name is Alina.

Scam Letters

Emails from Alina to Christian (Denmark)
this is not Alina, Christain. In fact it has never been Alina).
You always kept writing and talking to some other girls) - so-called translators.
In fact, Alina (though exists in reality) gives the agency only her photos and gets money from the agency in the case a man comes to visit her.
She's young, nice-looking and nonchalant.))) She has got a boy-friend in Donest ( right in the center of the city).
For this reason she's afraid to meet with men in that town. Yes, this is all true.
She's in this business only for money and presents.
She has never done those wonderful photos, Christian.
The photos belong to me, Cherub, the one who got into this awful business ( which is in fact a fraud) by a mistake. I had to write about Alina to make money too, the major part of that money were taken be the agency.
I'm sorry, Christian for lying to you all this time. You see, all the feelings, all the minor or major thoghts in those letters were not Alina's. They were mine, Cherub's.
I'm sorry. Really. Playing with other people's feelings is not right. It's bad. and it's a sin.
Now as I left this sin of a job if you know what I mean I can openly tell you the truth.
I'm back to my dear job now again - back to being a teacher and working with kids.)
Now you understand why writing about school and kids was so sincere and sweet and tender and so energetic.
I've known Alina for a year. The only thing she says about kids in school is: Yak! I can't stand


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Created: 2013-12-02    Last updated: 2013-12-02    Views: 1916