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Dating scammer Ekaterina Kourt
First name: Ekaterina
Last name: Kourt
Age: 30
Name aliases:
Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Ecaterina, Ecateryna, Ekatarina, Ekaterinacka, Ekaterinchika, Ekaterinka, Ekaterinochka, Ekaterinok, Ekaterinoka, Ekaterinulka, Ekaterinusechka, Ekaterinusenka, Ekaterinusha, Ekaterinusik, Ekaterinusya, Ekatrina, Kat, Katarina, Kate, Katenka, Katerina, Katerinka, Katerinochka, Katerinushka, Kateryna, Kath, Katharine, Katherin, Katherina, Katherine, Katheryn, Kathryn, Kathy, Kati, Katia, Katiya, Katja, Katka, Katlyn, Katrin, Katrina, Katty, Katuha, Katunya, Katusha, Katushechka, Katushka, Katuska, Katy, Katya, Katys, Katysha, Katyulya, Ket, Ketrin, Kettira, Kittie, Kitty, Yekaterina
Scammer's Location(s):
Novosibirsk (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Russian Dating


REPORT N1 (added on December, 30, 2013)
David (USA)

Pre-written letters, needs money to travel.

Scam Letters

Emails from Ekaterina Kourt to David (USA)
Hello my dear !!!! Yes I completely agree with you, that you have written to me to me!!!!!
My Skype fullmoonkatya_1983
Your Ekaterina

Good morning!!!! Thanks for kiss!!!! and for you
Your Ekaterina!!!

Hello !!!!
I have written to you the letter and sent pics!!!!
I hope that you have received my letter and photos???
Thanks that has added me in Skype!!!! But I still was not there, had no free time!!!
My day today was very much busy (((
weekends plans a life as very much busy (((
I shall wait for your letter and our chat!!!!
Yours Ekaterina

Hello my !!!! I get you letter!!! Thanks!!!!
Your Ekaterina!!!!!!!

Hello my !!!!! I will be answer when I free from work!!!!!
I at work now!!!! How are you????
Your Ekaterina

Hello my dear !!!!! Thanks for letter!!!! I will be answer later!!!!
Your Ekaterina!!!!

Hi my !
I am very happy to receive the letter from you again!
I was thinking and trying to guess of what you will write me today!!!
probably this is a bit silly of me, but I read you answers several times before starting to answer. I think that you can write me everything you want, because I


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Created: 2013-12-30    Last updated: 2013-12-30    Views: 1532