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Dating scammer Anastasia Tyhvatyllina

DATING SCAMMER Anastasia Tyhvatyllina

First name: Anastasia
Last name: Tyhvatyllina
Age: 27
Name aliases:
Anastacia, Anastaseya, Anastasiia, Anastasija, Anastasiy, Anastasiya, Anastasiychik, Anastasiychika, Anastasiyka, Anastasiyok, Anastasiyoka, Anastasiyunya, Anastasiyusha, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyushka, Anastasiyusya, Anastassia, Anastassiya, Anastasya, Anastaysa, Anastesiya, Anasteysha, Asya, Nansy, Nasta, Nastasia, Nastasya, Nastechka, Nasteha, Nastena, Nastenka, Nastia, Nastja, Nastka, Nastuha, Nastulya, Nastushka, Nastya, Nastyona, Nastysha, Nastyulya, Nastyusha, Nensy, Stasia, Stasya, Stesy, Tusya
Scammer's Location(s):
Yaroslavl (Russia)
Russia, 150014, Yaroslavskaya Oblast, Yaroslavl, prospekt Tolbuhina, 31
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Badoo, Hi 5


REPORT N1 (added on January, 10, 2014)
Ric (Slovenija)

Do not send money to this person.
REPORT N2 (added on March, 11, 2014)
Angel (Mexico)

Known scammer from Russia.

Scam Letters

Emails from Anastasia Tyhvatyllina to Ric (Slovenija)
Hello , my expensive Erik !
Again, I am very happy to receive a letter from you today!
I am very glad that you did not leave my letter without your attention and write to me all the time.
I'm glad you tell me more about yourself and we'll get to know each other more and more.
How are you feeling today ?
How is your work ?
I really hope you are all well !
As for me , I'm fine now .
Today I thought a lot about you .
My thoughts are only you and I could no longer think of anything but you.
I always think of you !
I have already said , and I repeat that I have no secrets from you, and secrets .
I feel that I can trust you all , and I know it will be between us.
I think about you and me to wait , happiness, love , tenderness , passion or frustration ?
And the more you know , the more I realize that the man I was looking for.
As I waited , and that suits me!
I'm so glad that you and I had the opportunity to meet you.
How do you yourself think that you are looking forward to meet you ?
I hope you think the same way about me.
And when you think of me smile appeared on his face .
I want to see a smile now!
When you and I still do not know a lot of the pain I felt in my heart.
But now , Eric, when we met with you this feeling was
And I think I have feelings again and enjoy life .
When I received your letter , I got together with that part of myself , and I feel great joy .
And for me this is a great happiness when I received your l

Emails from Anastasia Tyhvatyllina to Angel (Mexico)
Hola mi amor!
Que tal?
Soy muy contenta recibir tu carta hermosa y dulce.
Lo esperaba asi y se agitaba.
A mi era tan a solas sin ti mi principe amable!
Tu para mi la mas persona cara y hermosa! Le quiero!
Soy muy feliz que quereis tambien el encuentro conmigo! Tambien te echo de menos mucho!
No puedo vivir sin tu mi dulce! Ud para mi todo en el mundo!
Hoy tenia el sueno muy hermoso, en que contigo nos hemos encontrado.
Esto era tal sueno dulce! mi ha sonado solamente nuestro encuentro.
A mi ha sonado solamente esto como he salido del avion, y en lo bajo de mi esperabais con el ramo.
He salido corriendo a tu al encuentro, y corriais al encuentro a yo. Esto era asi dulce y tan con alegria.
Cuando eramos con tu a la distancia de todo un paso uno de otro nosotros se han parado.
Temiamos, no podiamos creer simplemente a la felicidad fantastica.
Estabamos y miraban en los ojos, pero despues no hemos sostenido nosotros muy con ternura y es carinoso uno a otro.
A nosotros corrian las lagrimas de los ojos, pero es todos habia solamente unas lagrimas de la felicidad, para que ibamos tan largo a este momento.
En el mismo momento hemos regalado uno a otro mas primero, pero sentia el beso muy dulce y tierno, que gusto hasta despues de que se ha despertado.
Luego hemos tomado todas las cosas y mi principe me habeis llevado en el reino hermoso completo de los milagros y la felicidad.
Luego me he despertado. Pero queria asi que este sueno


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Created: 2014-01-10    Last updated: 2014-03-11    Views: 1570