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Dating scammer Terry Butler
First name: Terry
Last name: Butler
Age: 46
Name aliases:
Teri, Terri, Terrie
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Great Fall, Montana, USA; Ohio, USA; Arizona, USA
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on March, 17, 2014)
Charles (Canada)

Keeps asking for money $900.00 to pay hotel bill so that she can come back to USA.
REPORT N2 (added on August, 11, 2014)
David (USA)

Happened to be checking to see if this single lady was legit and found someone on this site with similar name. Checked it out and found that the name had only changed slightly Teri from Terry and then read one of the reports from a Charles in Canada.
The letters that this Teri sent me were virtually identical to the letters send to this Charles from Canada but some details had changed but they were so minor as to be ridiculous.
In the other report she was traveling in Africa for textiles. My letter said China. That was about it. However, in another letter she give her details history and likes/dislikes and they again were very similar if NOT identical to the ones she sent me.
What turned me on to this that it might be a scammer is that she never replied to my direct emails it as always her own email and no reply to my questions et cetera.

Scam Letters

Emails from Terry Butler to Charles (Canada)
Thanks so much for the interest! you sound really like a nice man with a good and loving heart of kind, care and honesty..I am so sorry for the late reply due to my trip... open attachment for my pictures...Distance is not a problem for me..... because i am ready to relocate with my right man.......I tried the online dating hoping to meet a nice man with a good and loving heart of trust and honesty that could help in showing me around the city .. I am very open minded and thoughtful, happy of being alive and enjoying what life brings my way. Honesty is a MUST no matter how else it can be looked at….I am passionate and I have a curious mind and respectful. I am looking for a man who is caring and honest. I know we both have past relationships.......I want start with friendship before a relationship because i want my man as my best and loving friend. Friendship never ends ...... what happen to your last relationship? i have much interest in you ...... I lost my parent some years ago... I'm new to meeting people online..... I was born in PHOENIX AZ and i relocate to Great Falls, MT 11 months ago..... i have a graduate degree in accounting..I later got into importing and exporting of textiles and fabrics along with jewelries..which makes me travel alot and I have been to many countries in the world...I like swimming and taking coffee during my leisure.. I like eating Mexican foods and fast foods..i lost my ex man 3 years ago. it's really painful and

Emails from Terry Butler to David (USA)
Thanks so much for the interest! you sound really like a nice man with a good and loving heart of kind, care and honesty..I am so sorry for the late reply... open attachment for my pictures...Distance is not a problem for me..... because i am ready to relocate with my right man.......I tried the online dating hoping to meet a nice man with a good and loving heart of trust and honesty that could help in showing me around the city.. I am very open minded and thoughtful, happy of being alive and enjoying what life brings my way. Honesty is a MUST no matter how else it can be looked at….I am passionate and I have a curious mind and respectful. I am looking for a man who is caring and honest. I know we both have past relationships.......I want start with friendship before a relationship because i want my man as my best and loving friend. Friendship never ends ...... what happen to your last relationship? i have much interest in you ...... I lost my parent some years ago... I'm new to meeting people online..... I was born in Ohio and i relocate to PHOENIX AZ 11 months ago..... i have a graduate degree in accounting..I later got into importing and exporting of textiles and fabrics along with jewelries..which makes me travel alot and I have been to many countries in the world...I like swimming and taking coffee during my leisure.. I like eating Mexican foods and fast foods..i lost my ex man 3 years ago. it's really painful and I feel so hurt and sad abt


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Created: 2014-03-17    Last updated: 2021-03-22    Views: 1836