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Dating scammer Maria Zolotova
First name: Maria
Last name: Zolotova
Age: 27
Rita Kurzeneva, Nadezhda Krasnova, Alexandra Tsapaeva
Rita Kurzeneva, Nadezhda Krasnova, Alexandra Tsapaeva
Name aliases:
Aleksa, Aleksandra, Aleksandrushusenka, Alex, Alexa, Alexandre, Lexandra, Macha, Maha, Maniasha, Manishka, Mari, Mariah, Marichika, Mariia, Marija, Marishka, Mariusya, Mariya, Mariyah, Mariychik, Mariychika, Mariyka, Mariyoka, Mariyulka, Mariyulya, Mariyushenka, Mariyushka, Mariyushoka, Mariyuska, Mariyusya, Marry, Maru, Marusechka, Marusia, Maruska, Mary, Marya, Maryia, Masha, Mashenka, Mashka, Mashoka, Mashshunya, Mashuk, Mashulechka, Mashulecka, Mashulenka, Mashulia, Mashulka, Mashulunya, Mashulya, Mashunya, Mashushka, Mashuska, Mrusya, Nada, Nadechka, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadezhdchika, Nadezhdoka, Nadezhdushka, Nadezhdushoka, Nadia, Nadiia, Nadiya, Nadka, Naduha, Nadusha, Nadushok, Nady, Nadya, Oleksandra, Ritah, Sasha, Sashenka
Scammer's Location(s):
Ekaterinburg (Russia); Omsk (Russia); Samara (Russia); Ulyanovsk (Russia)
Chavayna bulvar, 23-60, 424000, Samara, Russia
Pervomayskaya str., 24-37, Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail address(es):


Troy (USA)

She scammed me out of money, i wish i had known about this web site sooner.
Rae (England)

She is also on the database as Maria Zolotova. I was fortunate not to forward her any money as when she started to bring the subject up, I requested a copy of her passport, and no more has been heard since. What a surprise, she seemed to be running the same scam as she did on the guy from the USA.
Kent (USA)

It seems Maria Zolotova really can get around. She wrote me a whole year, only pushed once for money, I thought anyone that dedicated for so long could not be bad. I had the 200.00 check ready to put in the mail, thank God I ran her name first! Thank you! I am very hurt, but also fell very foolish. Watch out for her!!

Scam Letters

Emails from Maria Zolotova to Troy (USA)
Hi my best friend Troy.
I hope you not against, that I name you the best friend. Simply I very much to you attachment, and I think, that you my best friend!
At us with you as I understand the new feeling arises I has felt such feeling at school when by studied in 8 class I then have fallen in love with one the boy, but at present he drinks alcohol very much. In general in Russia, more people drink *****, I do not understand why. I very big opponent of the use of alcohol and I in life of it shall never use!
And still, I also against smoking and the more so against use of a drug I think, that this superfluous Recently happened so I was on funeral the classmate. All the matter is that he recently has died of that that he used drugs and he has died of the too many use. He was the excellent friend, he always came to me to the aid when it was bad. He was the successful businessman. But unfortunately he has given in to drugs and unfortunately there is no him more with us. I regret about it very much, and consequently I am categorically against drugs.
It was very pleasant for me to receive from you the letter I necessarily shall pass your greeting to my parents. Whether in the letter you have asked me my parents know the English language. My mum knows the English language well, and at daddy with it problems.
You wanted to find out, that they think about travel in U.S.A. We did not talk to parents about it, but I can ask them. I start to be pleased l

Emails from Maria Zolotova to Rae (England)
Hi my honey Rae.
how are u?
I am very glad, that I could write to you the letter. Because I very much to miss you.
I am very glad, that you as to think of me, my love.
It is not very a pity to me, but yesterday could write to you. Because I to try to be going our meeting.
I want to tell, that I to find out, that I can take approximately through 14 days my holiday.
I shall be very happy if we can meet you and spend even 2 weeks together. As I have found out, that our country to not let out young and The lonely woman. On this I should come to you as the tourist. I want to find out from you, my dear.
Only our personal meeting will help us to find our happiness, Which we so long searched. And I to want to find out all your habits and hobbies.
Through E-mail letters it is impossible to transfer our feelings! I to want to know your culture.
I want to find out time when it is better to me to come to you??? That you would have more free time.
But though I can be at you at home in the afternoon, and in the evening I shall wait for you from your work And to feed with tasty supper. I want to find out your opinion? Write what you think?
I very much wait our meeting with impatience when I can have with you romantic evening And we shall be one.
Now I to go to sleep and think of you, my prince. Love and a kiss for you,
Yours Rita.

Hi my honey Rae!
How are u?
I am glad to receive your letter very much.


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Created: 2003-05-13    Last updated: 2006-11-19    Views: 2342